UCSD or Emory

<p>i just want to know if i made the right decision..
basically I want to transfer to Wharton or Stanford but realistically Georgetown.
Btw I want to study Business or Econ.
Which school would increase my chances of transferring to the schools I mentioned above?</p>

<p>The Pros of each schools
-really strong Econ program
-a lot cheaper
**-strong reason to transfer (I like smaller schools and it doesn't have a business school so bonus points for Wharton and Georgetown)</p>

-I can take business courses (increase my chances to Wharton?)
-semester system (easier to transfer credits to Georgetown, which I have a realistic chance of transferring into)
**-better reputation (I heard private institutions favor students from similar caliber schools)</p>

<p>there are a bunch of other small reasons but these are the main reasons for each school</p>

<p>so....what do you think...UCSD or Emory?</p>

<p>Are you in-state for CA? If yes, I would pick UCSD, it has an excellent program in economics. Especially when you are planning to transfer.</p>

<p>yea UCSD would save me about $20000~$25000 in the course of 2 years. (planning to transfer after 2 years)
Would a better ranked Econ program help me when transferring?
But doesn't Emory have a strong Undergrad Business program also?</p>

<p>ah...I'm so confused...</p>

<p>if i took money out of the picture would going to Emory be better?</p>

<p>for me it was basically Strong transfer reasons vs. Better name recognition
which would help me more when transferring if all other factors were equal?
(ex: gpa, ec's)</p>

<p>No, but I'm from Ca so I'm less familiar with colleges from the South. But why would the undergraduate business from Emory is considered better than an Econ from UCSD? If you worry about the name of the UG regarding transfer success then don't worry. There are plenty of kids transferring from CC to an Ivy school such as Cornell, etc.. Please check out the transfer forum. In fact, it makes a stronger argument why you want to transfer to Wharton because you want a strong undergraduate business program why UCSD does not have a business program.</p>

<p>Thanks Columbia Student :)
you made me feel a lot better about the choice I made</p>