I am really stuck between these two universities. I am biology major and want to become a veterinarian in the future. I have no preference when it come to a college town or city life, but I really like being social and sports, therefore I’m afraid UCSD is considered “socially dead”. Any opinions would be helpful. Thank you!

I loved UCSB. I transferred from USC to UCSB and was blown away by the school spirit at SB. The spirit at basketball games and soccer games rival any big time sports program (who knew!?). I am not a big partier, but I do like to be social and loved living in a “college town”. My best friend went to UCSD. Great school, and she made great friends, but she would be the first to tell you that UCSD has more of a commuter school type feel. Great options in front of you-- best of luck!

@BayAreaRecruiter Thank you! Really helps. Yes, I feel like both are great but that makes my decision harder.

If you’re a social person, you won’t have any trouble meeting other social people and making friends at UCSD (especially if you join Greek life). The “socially dead” stereotype is only true if you’re socially dead. The lack of big-time sports and rivalries is kind of a downer, but we should be moving to D-1 soon. There are parties everywhere, you just have to talk to people/have friends to find them and they’re definitely nowhere close to the level of ragers you’ll find at Santa Barbara. That said, the bio department is way stronger at UCSD and the city of San Diego is way livelier than Santa Barbara.