UCSD safe choice?.... but really want UCLA.... and is Berkeley even possible?

Helloooo! I am a current junior in high school and I am already FREAKING out about my chances of college admission. I really want to go to a UC, as I am a current California resident, and I’m trying to prepare myself for rejection (or hopefully a chance at acceptance??). Please chance me at getting into either UCSD (which I 'm confident-ish about), UCLA (which I really want), and UC Berkeley (which is a dream TBH). Also… I would like to go into a pre-med program (probably major in Bio or Human Bio) preparing for med-school in the long term… and human biology/physiology+anatomy is my passion. Also… I really aspire to be a Cardiovascular Surgeon or Practicioner as a career in the long term.

My stats (for sophomore/ (projected) junior year:

  • unweighted UC GPA: 3.88
  • weighted UC GPA: 4.27
  • Will most probably be a Valedictorian of my school (the cut-off is 4.2 GPA)
  • I am pretty sure I am in top 10% of my class… but don’t know how to get that info

Standardized tests:

  • (new) SAT: 1460 → I’m probably gonna retake in the spring
  • possible NMS qualifier (I got a 1470 on the PSAT and the cut-off hasn’t been decided yet)
  • Will take SAT subject tests in Biology and English in senior year

My Honors Courses (through-out all of high school so far and [projected])
Note: Some don’t count in UC GPA

  • Honors Geometry
  • Honors English I
  • Honors Biology
  • Honors Non-Western Cultures
  • Honors Algebra II
  • Honors English II
  • Honors Physiology
  • Honors French 4 → online tho so it didn’t count as “honors” in GPA
  • {Honors Chemistry}

My AP Courses (through-out all of high school so far and [projected])
Note: I have moved to 5 different states and attended 8 different schools… and my some past school didn’t offer APs

  • AP Seminar
  • AP Language/Composition
  • AP Biology
  • AP US History
  • {AP French 5}
  • {AP Literature}
  • {AP Calc A/B}
  • {AP Gov/Econ}

Extracurriculars and Beyond:

  • I was named an Honorary Young Inventor in middle school and met the Governor of Connecticut and was invited to the prestigious Connecticut “Women of Innovation Awards” at 11 years old for my invention
  • I volunteer 100 hours a year in an Intensive Care Unit and Cardiovascular Unit at a local hospital
  • I volunteer at a local “bunny shelter” and take care of 30+ bunnies
  • I am part of the Conejo Valley Youth Leadership Foundation/HOBI Youth Leader
  • I am part of NHS Tutoring
  • I am a part of Interact Club
  • I love love love Model United Nations! I am on the MUN Varsity team and am on the MUN Board of Officials at my school. I have won numerous awards at various colleges and high schools for my performance
  • I am on the Science Olympiad Team at my school and compete in 3 events: Anatomy and Physiology, Dynamic Planet, and Write It Out
  • This is what I’m most proud of. I am the founder and president of the Hygiene Helpers club at my school, which provides feminine hygiene products and menstrual education to women who are homeless, living in developing countries, and/or recently affected by disasters. Our goal is to empower women by giving them access to menstrual hygiene essentials and create a “period-positive” environment on campus and beyond. We hold bake-sales and donation drives.
  • This summer I am going to India to intern at a non-profit charitable hospital. I intend to supply feminine hygiene products that my club has gathered to the women living in poverty there. They will be so happy!!
  • I probably forgot something LOL…

SO… there it is!!! I would so so so appreciate it if you guys could chance me or give me your opinion of how I stand.

You still have until the end of Junior year before you can really determine your UC GPA. UCLA/UCB and even UCSD are tough admits and as the # of applications continue to climb, they will be even more competitive each successive year. You are definitely a competitive applicant so instead of preparing for rejections, make a college list starting from the bottom up. Find 1-2 safety schools that are happy to attend and then go from there. Remember which college you attend will not define you, it’s what you do with the opportunities you are given that will make you succeed.

Whoops! I forgot one of the most important things… my singing! I LOVE TO SING! I have been in audition-based groups: Select Choir, Chamber Ensemble, Show Choir, Maestoso (mixed choir). I perform at school and outside as well. It ranges from classical latin opera in a school talent show to pop for my own videos! I can’t believe I forgot this as music is a HUGE passion of mine :slight_smile:

Thank You!!! Do you think that my chances are good, ok, or not-so-good for the schools I listed? Based on what I have done so far?

I like I stated above, you are competitive for these schools. Beyond that it will be up to admissions but UCSD would be your best chance but definitely not “safe”.

Ok thanks! I will keep that in mind.

Does anyone who has been accepted or denied from these schools have any opinion on whether I would get in or not?