<p>I'm not really certain about UCSD's policies when it comes to students being able to switch into another college, but I heard that last year people who ended up not going to UCSD offered their spots to others.</p>
<p>If it is indeed possible, I'm hereby offering a Marshall College spot!
Any takers?</p>
<p>PM me or post on this thread if you’re interested and we can try to work something out!</p>
<p>I have warren r u interested?</p>
<p>Sent from my Droid using CC App</p>
<p>@slee0103: Are you offering Warren to me? I’m going to go to Berkeley so I’m not going to take a spot in any UCSD college. But if you want my Marshall spot, I’m offering.</p>
<p>Then that’s good haha I’m really down to change then </p>
<p>Sent from my Droid using CC App</p>
<p>@slee: So you really want it?
We should dig up some threads from last year to find out how people accomplished a college change through switching with admitted students who’re declining their offers of admission.</p>
<p>i’m pretty sure this is not how it works. it would be 100% unfair to people waiting. It’s like cutting a line</p>
<p>@UCsystem; Oh, I hadn’t thought of that…</p>
<p>get me out of revelle! im a soc major! i dont want to take calculus series and physics series! S.O.S!!</p>
<p>@Foothillxfer: lol</p>
<p>I have Roosevelt (history and writing ge’s). I would like to trade for Revelle, Warren, or Muir. Private message me if you’re down.</p>