<p>I'm a transfer student, and so far, I have got into ucsd, uci, ucd, and ucsb. I'm still waiting for ucla and usc. I got in with Physic major but I'm planning to change to either pharmacy or chemical engineering. Which school has better pharmacy or engineering program? And also, which school is more fun? Please help.</p>
<p>When you say pharmacy do you mean pharmacology (developing drugs) or a pharmacy program (becoming a pharmacist)? I think only UCSD and UCSB have pharmacology majors, though you could do biochemistry and get more or less the same education. </p>
<p>Personally, I too am interested in pharmacology (but applied to biochem) and got into the same schools you did (except Irvine, which I didn't apply to). I'm almost definately picking UCSB, though if I go to the SD Transfer Day tomorrow and maybe that'll sway my decision. I decided not to go to Davis because the school just didn't "click" with me, the people seemed very bored and tired out and the school itself looked very ... grey. </p>
<p>Between SB and SD it came down to the fact that I'm comming from a community college, so I really don't want to go to a school where everyone has a "go to school, study, sleep, repeat" mentality. I'd like to have a chance to have a college experience, even if it two years too late. Two other pluses for SB, to me, is that SB is more undergraduate oriented so that means more attention from professors and more opportunities to do research with them. The other plus is that from what I can tell UCSD doesn't provide housing for transfers, but UCSB does and supposedly last year every transfer student that wanted housing got it. A big negative for UCSD is that I got into Roosevelt College and that means I'll have to take like 9 more GE classes, and it seems like a waste to have to spend an extra year at school just for that.</p>