<p>It kind of sounded like sarcasm to me. ;)</p>

<p>I posted this in the other UCSD vs UCD thread so I thought I would post it here also:</p>

<p>One of the biggest differences between the two schools is the academic structure. UCSD has a family of six colleges; you will live with students from your college so it appears as a small community. When you apply you will rank your the colleges in order of your preference and can still study any major no matter what college you are admitted into. For example, Eleanor Roosevelt College will prepare students to succeed in the global economy of the 21st century by providing a comprehensive general education ( University</a> of California - Admissions ).
UC Davis, on the other hand, has four colleges. Our colleges are less like families; they oversee the specific majors in their College. For example, all students who are studying Biology, genetics, undeclared – life sciences and the other majors will be in the College of Biological sciences. These 9 majors (not including the undeclared option) will have the same general education pattern to fulfill. At Davis you will be living with students from all other Colleges.
I would continue to research this difference as it is a significant difference that will have an impact on your undergraduate program.</p>

<p>i would go to SD because it's a better area.. and i heard Davis is bit boring... but SD campus looks horrible though.;</p>


<p>Choosing to go to SD for the area is like choosing a Yugo for gas mileage.</p>

<p>Not to burden you with things you already know, but....</p>

<p>Academically, you would certainly want to consider your area of interest and whether there is a much stronger program at one school vs. the other.</p>

<p>It is highly likely that if you visited each school, you would know with certainty which one was right for you. The setting and atmosphere at each school is distinct. Can't stress enough how much visiting the campus helps!</p>

<p>undergrad doesn't matter as much. They're both UCs, I'd say go to Davis for the gpa</p>

<p>Undergrad matters VERY much. For one, you know you're going, so you should go to a place you'll enjoy.</p>

<p>As someone who got accepted into both, I chose ucsd rather than davis because of the strength of their researching. That and I got the regents scholarship :D 4 years of nonstop beach, surf, and sun. OOH yeah</p>

<p>Concentrate on getting in. Do your homework. Go visit. Talk to current students, alumni. Then make an informed decision that is good for you.</p>

<p>Personally, I'd rather go to UCD. I liked the campus more when I visited, and its close to Berkeley/San Francisco, and I think there are buses that go between the campuses regularly. Also, it's near Sacramento if you like that city. </p>

<p>Although I ended up going to neither lol</p>

<p>Your going to justify going to UCD because of school spirit?? I hope you get into both schools but the truth is simply, UCSD is a much better school...If you want school spirit and to paint your face and go to college games then just stay in high school...These are not state schools, their prestigious universities that rank nationally. People don't choose Cornell over Harvard because of school spirit...If you were to pick UCD over UCI because of school spirit then go ahead but all your doing is falling down in rankings when you go against SD. Having friends and actually experiencing all the UC campuses, I can tell you from 1st hand experience that UCI and UCSB are far more fun and exciting then cow town davis....no offense...lol</p>

<p>Also, UCSD ranks at 35 while UCD ranks at 44...check your stats before you post them.</p>

<p>Why was this thread revived?</p>


<p>Having been an undergrad and a grad student at two UCs (UCLA and UCSD), I can tell you firsthand that there is NOTHING wrong with wanting to go to a school that has a degree of spirit. </p>

These are not state schools, their prestigious universities that rank nationally.


<p>Yes, they are state schools. They are part of the University of California state university system. "State school" doesn't mean "not prestigious."</p>

<p>Oh, and don't necropost.</p>

<p>LOL @ necropost</p>