<p>I’m having trouble deciding which college to go to. UCSD is ranked higher and is closer to my home (parents want me near home, personally I kind of want to go far and out of my comfort zone). While for UCD, after reading so many posts about both colleges, seems to suit my personality much more and I don’t think UCD is outranked by UCSD by “that” much. Both colleges cost around the same for me. I’m leaning more towards UCD since I think I would do much better there and I have already planned out which programs I was going to do as well. At UCSD, you need a car to get around, but at UCD, all you need is a bike so that’s a plus for gas money, but going home on break might be troublesome. I’m getting a lot of pressure from the people around me as well, asking me how I could give up UCSD for UCD since it’s thought that UCSD is far superior to UCD. I live in southern California, therefore I’m not sure about what northern Californians or people elsewhere think about both schools. I guess the issue of reputation affects me quite a bit, if UCD was seen as more reputable, I think I wouldn’t have to make this thread. Can someone give me some good advice on what to do? Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Lots of people like uc davis and its reputation is growing. Plus uc davis is seen as a "hidden gem" in northern california. Its way friendlier than Berkeley but still has great academics. I would suggest having your family visit UCD, they might fall in love with it. My parents sure did.</p>

<p>How would you compare it to UCSD?</p>

<p>I read somewhere before UCSD is 38 and UCD is 42 rank or something along those lines in usnews.</p>

<p>I haven't been to either for schooling, but I'm from norcal and I can attest that UCD reputation has probably larger influence up here than ucsd.</p>

<p>Besides the fact that UCSD is ranked higher than UCD, I don't know much about UCSD or anything that would persuade me to go there. Can anyone tell me about some pros- about UCSD? I was admitted into the Eleanor Roosevelt College there.</p>

<p>Oh yeah, and I applied as a Computer Science/Engineering major for both UC's.</p>

<p>UCSD is like 2 rankings above Davis. Davis has a much better atmosphere, and the academics are just as good, with a growing reputation.</p>

<p>Ahh!! I'm in the same exact situation!</p>

<p>UC Davis was actually my target, but only because I didn't believe I'd get into UCSD. When I did, though, I was thrilled- oh the prestige! But now I'm torn. I also wanted to get away from home, and my parents want me to stay. Then I hear great things about Davis, and it's definitely away from home (SoCal)...but then it isn't ranked quite as high. </p>

<p>Have you decided yet? What are you mostly basing your decisions on? =(</p>

<p>Oh and congrats on your admissions ^^</p>

<p>I'm around 70% sure I'll be going to UCD and I'll be visiting UCD on Picnic Day to check out the campus. I'm pretty much basing it on which campus I think would be more enjoyable since academically both seem pretty on par with each other. Now some people might view this as bad, and say that I should focus more on academics when deciding my college. But seriously now, it's my next 4 years in life. Might as well choose a place where I think I'll be happier right?</p>

<p>Hope this helps you decide! =)</p>

<p>P.S. If your parents try to make you stay near home (and you've decided to go to UCD), try using the excuse that going to UCD will help you become more independent and self-reliant. I'm sure they want you to become successful and know that these skills will aid you in life. ^_^</p>

<p>Im just like you guys but the opposite. I got into UCD and UCSD, but I'm set to go to UCSD.
Those who go to UCD, please dont get mad.
Heres what influenced my position:
UCSD > UCD in Engineering and Sciences
UCSD more prestigious than UCD
UCSD has a better temperature. UCD temperatures can get really really really really hot.
UCSD location is better(I feel theres lots to enjoy in SD). UCD is located in a unknown dull farmland.(I hear there are places that reek with cow dung)
UCSD six college system is interesting.
UCSD seems more academically successful.</p>

<p>UCSD isn't more prestigious. In fact, you'll notice Davis ranked much higher both in terms of endowment, and research spending (14 in the nation). As far as UCSD being better in the sciences, that depends. For example, UCD is one of the best schools as far as biological sciences go, and they have amazing research oppourtinites. Davis can get hot, you're right there. From the rest of your comments, it's obvious you've never been to Davis. I've never ever seen/smelled a cow there, and I've been there a lot. Davis has much more school pride and fun, while SD is more boring. Both are equally challenging, but Davis has a nicer campus. I recommend visiting.</p>

<p>:) it's ture I've never visited Davis, I only pass by the campus once in a while.:)</p>

<p>Sorry if my information is wrong, but I base this knowledge on my unhealthy lifestyle of reading too much CC threads and online information.
About the cow thing, I got that info from daviswiki.org</p>

<p>In terms of prestige
US news weekly national rankings
38: UCSD
42: UCD
US news weekly engineering rankings
25: UCSD
UCSD ranks 7th in the nation in National Academy of Sciences membership.
UCSD ranks 2nd in the nation in the field of pharmacology, 4th in the nation for molecular biology and genetics, and 5th in the nation for clinical medicine.
UCSD was ranked the 4th best university in the nation by the Washington Monthly’s 2007 College Guide
UCSD was named the “hottest” institution in the nation for students to study science by Newsweek and the 2006 Kaplan/Newsweek College Guide.</p>

<p>On the otherhand:UCD
8th in the ranking of U.S. universities based on their contributions to society (Washington Monthly )
10th in research funding among U.S. ranked public universities (National Science Foundation)
11th among public universities nationwide (U.S. News & World Report)
16th among public universities nationwide (National Research Council)</p>

<p>Davis is hot.... IN THE SUMMER..... The vast majority of students will never be there when it is hot. Eric posting what you hear vs. actually seeing and experiencing both campuses for yourself may net you some surprising results. My d visited and stayed at both UC's and she chose UCD. The four ranking spaces for UCSD (above UCD) are insignificant just as the two ranking spaces for UCD (above UCI and UCSB) are also insignificant.</p>

<p>8th in the ranking of U.S. universities based on their contributions to society (Washington Monthly )
10th in research funding among U.S. ranked public universities (National Science Foundation)
11th among public universities nationwide (U.S. News & World Report)
16th among public universities nationwide (National Research Council)
One of 62 North American universities admitted into the prestigious Association of American Universities</p>

<p>Research funding: $544 million in 2005–06</p>

<p>UC Davis leads the nation in graduate and undergraduate education in the biological sciences. The Sciences Laboratory Building, opened in 2005, is dedicated to undergraduate teaching in the biological sciences and chemistry and features the most modern instructional laboratory environment. Year after year, UC Davis tops the charts in numbers of doctoral and bachelor degrees conferred in the biological sciences.*
* Source: National Science Foundation and National Center for Education Statistics (<a href="http://caspar.nsf.gov/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://caspar.nsf.gov/&lt;/a&gt;)&lt;/p>

<p>U.S. News & World Report ranked the UC Davis Evolution & Ecology graduate program #1 nationally. (2006)</p>

<p>The National Science Foundation (NSF) ranked UC Davis 7th of 150 universities in R&D expenditures (funding) in the Life Sciences field. (2005)</p>

<p>Biological Sciences is the most popular major on the UC Davis campus. </p>

<p>UC Davis confers the highest number of doctoral and bachelor degrees in the biological sciences. </p>

<p>UC Davis is ranked 8th in the nation by Washington Monthly for positive contributions to society. (2007) </p>

<p>College of Biological Science faculty have received national recognition through election to the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellows) and selected distinguished awards and fellowships.</p>

<p>Private support: $101.2 million in 2006-07</p>

<p>Total UC Davis endowment: $552 million </p>

<p>Colleges/schools/divisions: </p>

<p>4 colleges (Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Biological Sciences, Engineering, Letters and Science)
5 professional schools (Education, Law, Management, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine</p>

<p>Intercollegiate sports: 26 NCAA D1 (14 for women, 12 for men) </p>

<p>Library: Contains more than 3 million volumes and is ranked among the top research libraries in North America</p>

<p>Wow, collegemom16, that is impressive! I was trying to find rankings for UC Davis to show my mom cause she thinks that UCSD is so much better than UCD.</p>

<p>So hopefully, I get in! I already got accepted into UCSD for biology, but I really want to stay close to home, so why not just do biology at UCD where it's famous too? :D</p>

<p>Indeed, hearing from others compared to actually seeing it does make a big difference.</p>

<p>But if your looking for prestige, its not too hard to see UCSD definitely being prestigious.</p>

<p>I guess I just have to cross my fingers and hope for the best. :)</p>

<p>Here are the more significant rankings:
UCSD was named the “hottest” institution in the nation for students to study science by Newsweek and the 2006 Kaplan/Newsweek College Guide.</p>

<p>UCSD ranks 7th in the nation in National Academy of Sciences membership. (The top universities, in rank order, are: Harvard, Stanford, UC Berkeley, MIT, Princeton , Caltech, UCSD, Yale, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison , Univ. of Chicago and Univ. of Washington.)</p>

<p>U.S. News and World Report ranks UCSD as 7th best public university in the nation, and 32nd among the nation’s top 50 universities.</p>

<p>UCSD was ranked the 4th best university in the nation by the Washington Monthly’s 2007 College Guide, based on the positive impact the university has had on the country.</p>

<p>The journal Foreign Policy ranked UCSD 9th in the nation for international relations studies and 10th for international public policy studies.</p>

<p>The National Research Council ranks UCSD 10th in the nation in the quality of its faculty and graduate programs. The NRC ranks oceanography and neurosciences 1st in the nation.</p>

<p>Kiplinger's Personal Finance ranks UCSD 8th nationally for best values in public colleges in the U.S. outranking UC Berkeley and UCLA. The Princeton Review 2007 edition of America’s Best Value Colleges also lists UCSD among 150 “best values.</p>

<p>The 2007 Academic Rankings of World Universities conducted by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China ranked UCSD 14th internationally.</p>

<p>The Preuss School, a public charter at UCSD, is the 9th best high school in the nation according to Newsweek.</p>

<p>UCSD’s total research funding for 2005-06 was $733 million. </p>

<p>The National Science Foundation ranks UCSD 7th in the nation in federal R&D expenditures. (The top ten research universities, in rank order, are: Johns Hopkins, Wisconsin-Madison, UCLA, Michigan, UCSF, Washington, UCSD, Stanford, Pennsylvania, Duke.)</p>

<p>The Milken Institute ranks UCSD 6th among the world’s leading universities in the strength of its biotechnology research publications and 8th in the number of biotech patents issued.</p>

<p>Thomson Scientific ranks UCSD the 7th highest-impact research institution in the nation from 2001-2005, based on the citation impact of published research in science and the social sciences. Based on the number of citations, UCSD ranks 2nd in the nation in the field of pharmacology, 4th in the nation for molecular biology and genetics, and 5th in the nation for clinical medicine.</p>

<p>In the 2008 survey of graduate programs by U.S. News, the Jacobs School of Engineering ranked 3rd and the School of Medicine ranked 2nd in the nation for research expenditures per faculty member. Total federal, state and industry research support at the School of Medicine is $273.7 million, and at the Jacobs School, $139 million.</p>

<p>UCD endowment is 650 million, according to 2007 data. MUCH more than UCSD. It's ranked #8 public, not 11. UCSD has maybe 1-2 spots above it... and that's just 1 source.</p>

<p>The rankings are so similar, you should really visit the campuses. (Davis better in Bio,btw)</p>

<p>My friend (supports UCSD) said to me hypothetically speaking, 2 engineer graduates, 1 from UCSD and 1 from UCD were applying for the same job in lets say, New York. If both of them had the exact same scores/stats. Who would be hired? He said it would be based on the the school reputation if both had the same scores/stats. Would it be pretty much a 50/50 chance since both are ranked around the same, or would they pick the UCSD graduate because UCSD was ranked a little higher? I didn't know how to respond to him, anyone know? Then I keep hearing the argument, that UCD was going to surpass UCSD soon so yeah...</p>

<p>It would depend on who they liked better in the interview...jobs aren't like college admissions. Once you graduate, scores and schools you attended only take you so far, you've gotta be the one who can score the job.</p>

<p>Most jobs doesn't ask for WHERE you went to college, just did you.</p>

<p>Anyway , yes it'd be 50/50 + interview since they're ~ equally ranked.</p>