UCSD vs UCI (poli sci major)

<p>So I was accepted into both UCSD (Warren College) and UCI as a poli sci major. I’m still not sure if I will stick with it in college.</p>

<p>I live in Anaheim so if I go to UCI I will not be able to live in the dorms since my parents will insisit on me driving there because it’s so close.</p>

<p>I want to go to UCSD because of the dorms, because I want to be on my own, I want to get used to being independent.</p>

<p>I just want to go there for some reason. I don’t really know why. I visited the campus. It’s nice but it was a college tour, field trip with NHS and I don’t think it covered enough. </p>

<p>So my parents want me to go to UCI because of the price, they also insist on me going to a Community College (to save money) and transfer to a UC but my problem with that is that I will not be able to get the college experience (which i won’t get if i go to UCI since i don’t get to live on campus) and basicly all the hard work I did in high school is for nothing since I could have done nothing but party and go to a community college anyway.</p>

<p>Any advice?</p>

<p>Tell your parents that you are ready to leave home and be on your own. Ask them to please remember your hard work in high school and acknowledge your maturity and responsibility. Perhaps if you agree to seek out a job this summer and while you are at school (it is perfectly possible to work and do well) they will consider your request. Explain to them that you will receive a better education in a UC. Lastly show them the ranking for UCSD. Good luck I think your feelings are perfectly justifiable.</p>

<p>thank you.</p>

<p>my dad is more supportive he told me he can cover half of my expenses. (approximately). I do live with both parents though so my mom will probably support my decision also.</p>

<p>I feel bad putting a strain on my parents since they already have car payments and this august we are going to Romania to visit (haven't been there since we moved here, four and a half years ago, and my dad six years ago. recently recieved our green cards) and that will cost a lot of money. </p>

<p>I was wondering what would happen if I called the financial aid office at UCSD and explain the situation. It is a rare opportunity to go to Romania and visit (all our family is there) and we already bought the tickets. Do you think they would try to help more with expenses or it wouldn't help with anything mentioning it?</p>

<p>bump .</p>