UCSD vs UCI - Premed

Hey CC,

I got into UCSD for bio. w/ spec. in bioinformatics (Warren; going to switch majors to physiology soon), and UCI (biology).

Wondering which school will benefit me most in terms of premed.

On a side note, is Revelle really better for premed? Is it worth trying to switch into it?

Thanks, and I appreciate your replies.

In terms of getting into med school, they don’t really care which of the two UCs you choose. Med schools care more about you as an individual then they do about the university you go to. My counselor told me about former students she had who went to a CSU and got into med school, and other students who went to UCLA or Berkeley who didn’t get into med school. Technically, UCSD shows to have a higher ranking for biology than UCI does. However, UCSD is more of a party school so if you know you might get distracted by that you might want to consider that in your decision. Then again, UCI is super quiet so if the silence there bothers you then that’s another thing you need to consider.

As far as your major, I believe majoring in biology would be more helpful for you when you take the MCAT but I don’t see how majoring in physiology could hurt you as long as you take the bio and chem courses you need to.

I got accepted into all UC’s and ended up choosing UCI because I loved the location and I knew that even though it technically isn’t the highest ranked UC, I would do just as well at UCI as I would at UCLA or Berkeley.

My advice is visit the campus and talk to the students and faculty there. It will really help you make up your mind. Good luck!!

@honcho UCSD… This is a no brainer. It spends 1 billion on research every year. It has so many opportunities for research at labs and stuff.