I’ve been accepted into UCI for business administration and UCSD for undeclared social sciences (although I’m pretty sure I’m going to declare economics) and right now… I’m completely confused about which university to go to… Honestly, I feel like I’ll enjoy business administration more than economics at UCSD because although I do well enough in math and economics, I don’t really enjoy it.

As of right now though, prestige sort of matters in the community I’m in and that’s the biggest reason I’m leaning towards UCSD. Also, I heard that UCSD’s economics program is one of the best and so there’s more pride in that maybe? I don’t know. There’s a lot more hoops to jump through for UCSD though, as I’d have to get a good enough score in the math placement exam first and get good enough grades in the prerequisites to declare the economics major since it’s a CAPPED major (does anyone know whether it’d be hard to declare economics once I fulfill all the requirements?). Both the quality social life and location seems rather equal for both UCSD and UCI so they’re not decisive factors for me.

I’ve also heard that UCI is generally filled with more laid-back students so it’ll be easier to get a high GPA (this is just what I’ve heard, please correct me if I’m wrong)… Also, I feel like there’s more internship opportunities in UCI.

I’m more of a business student and I want to get an MBA in the future (or a finance master degree if I end up liking finance), even though my economics grades are just as good as my business grades. Sorry for rambling on, but at this point, I’m super confused about whether the prestige of UCSD is worth all the extra hard work (I’ve often heard that the UCSD students are more studious and competitive, and that their economics grade is a rigorous course). I’m also wondering whether there’s any other factors I should consider that could be decisive factors for going to one of the two schools.

I’d appreciate any input. Thanks!

I say go with your gut feeling. It sounds like you’d be happier with the business major. Prestige may seem like a big thing now, but what really matters is that you go to a school were you can be successful and happy. Internships was a good point- maybe UCI because it is closer to LA?

As far as prestige- I am so happy that I got denied from Berkeley and UCLA because if I had gotten into them, my dad would of wanted me to go there. And those two schools just aren’t for me- too stressful

go where you will be happiest! :wink:

@puggletruffle I’m an alumni of UCSD Revelle Quantitative Economics many years ago. So I will try be objective in answering your concerns. I would easily choose UCSD over UCI except for the two things you’ve listed. First, you got accepted as an undeclared in social sciences and second, you said “you do well in math and economics but don’t really enjoy it”! UCSD doesn’t have a Business Administration major. Yes UCSD is more prestige and their Economics Program is highly ranked. But If you are planning on getting your MBA or MS then do a little more research to find out what top MBA/graduate schools are looking for. The challenges and uncertainty of attending UCSD makes UCI more attractive. Good luck!