<p>I was waitlisted by UCSD and opted into the waitlist. I called the school a while back, and they told me that I was about 50 points off from the cutoff (I applied for a Bio major, so the cutoff might be different from other majors since it's impacted...?). How far away are you other guys who have been waitlisted from the cutoff? </p>
<p>Also, I got a call from UCSD today, but I got to the phone too late. They left no message, and when I called back, they didn't pick up. Has anyone else received a call from the school recently? This is all very confusing and stressful! Ah!</p>
<p>Hi! katiejk123
My daughter is waitlist too, she is 10 points off from 7744. I have heard the invitation waitlist student is 1200, until 4/13 the response register as waitlist is about 700, 4/15 midnight is deadline so you could suppose there are 700 waitlist registered. I saw the college confidential posted the last score for waitlist is about 75xx, it is about in 230 off has 700 people as waitlist now. Each point maybe has 10 people (I am not sure she told me is correct or not), it is depend on until 5/1 SIR how many left space for waitlist, not sure has space or not, so don’t put too much hope, else you will be disappointed much.</p>
<p>i got waitlisted too but the problem is that i don’t know my FA status and it is really important for me since i’m OOS. is there any way you can see how much they have offered you? do they give the financial aid status with the acceptance(hopfully!)?</p>
If you are admitted, you are still be eligible for financial aid
If you applied for financial aid and submitted your FAFSA to UC San Diego on time, you will be able to see an estimate of your financial aid awards on our application status, MyApplication. For general information, your best resource is the Financial Aid Office website.
If you check the website of [FAFSA</a> - Free Application for Federal Student Aid](<a href=“http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/]FAFSA”>http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/) you will know what estimated amount you need to pay.
What is points you are off?</p>
<p>do you think some people will be notified before may 8th?</p>
<p>They will notify you before May 8.</p>
<p>36 points… i hope i hope i hope</p>
<p>i just hope i dont get stuck in an undesirable sub-college, pertaining to my major of course.</p>
<p>oh wells, uci ain’t bad either!</p>
<p>and good luck everyone!</p>
<p>The enrollment number should have come out and closely the final who like to register, if know the current registered number and the maxima number space 2010 (I don’t know 3692 is correct or not) then you could calculate the difference is waitlist space will be noticed.
Please let us know if you know what is current SIR number?</p>
<p>i called ucsd today and they said everyone on the waitlist was off by at least 54 points. I asked for my rank and it turned out to be 722. I doubt i’ll get in given that there were 1200 on the waitlist</p>
<p>It is not correct because most people have made calls off point about 6, 10, 36, 50,240,etc and I have called for my D and my D called herself too, her off points is the same not because you call twice they will change it, it can not be changed.
Regarding the waitlist registered as I mention before about 700 is correct, same as the Signon San Diego News said 690 , see the website on 4/15/2010 posted news [Residents</a>? admission rate drops at UCSD - SignOnSanDiego.com](<a href=“http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2010/apr/15/residents-admission-rate-drops-at-ucsd/]Residents”>http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2010/apr/15/residents-admission-rate-drops-at-ucsd/)
If you could please ask admission office how many SIR registered number total now
deduct what they mention the space 3692(I hope they will increase it) will be the waitlist
noticed number.(hope the space has enough for 700)
According your score 722 is 22 points off, it is a curve of the 700 people with score rank
how is distribution for each point may be 3 people or 10 people.</p>
<p>Yes! you are very top of waitlist! if possible you could ask how many SIR currently and also
ask them what is their target number? use target number minus SIRs will get the waitlist space. please let us know when you obtain it.</p>
<p>There are 1100 people in the waitlist. I am in the top 60. They say, they can’t say specific numbers.</p>
<p>On the 4/13 I visited admission office, the lady told me about 700 waitlist registered, and the Newspaper 4/15 also said 690 (they release to reporter should be correct), so the regsiter number should be closed that. Sometimes the officer will just tell you the roughly number,the 60 seem too much for your 2 points off, so don’t take it seriously. From 2,6,10,36,50,240 off points in our board, use your math for dirtribute 700 people how could 2 points have 60?
The most important is need find out what is the total SIR number is ? then you could know what chance your are, if same as Target then no waitlist space.</p>
<p>has anybody heard back yet?
im getting so anxious!</p>
<p>We have to wait until 5/3 Monday who can obtain the SIR and target # or during 5/3 to 5/8
to receive their email notice if the space available.
Or you could call them this week to see what is close SIR and what is their target number?3692 and let us know, thanks.</p>
<p>I am still waiting they are killing me! What is this about being waitlisted? I am accepted at UCI but prefer UCSD. I am a transfer student.</p>
<p>We are talked about the general admission on the Fall 2010 for the waitlist not related with
the transfer waitlist.</p>
<p>There are few days to go! We need the SIR and Target info.
I saw some news on 2/11 posted estimate 29% in the waitlistwill be admitted it is from a National Association for College Admission Counseling study [ON</a> COLLEGE: Many UCs to begin wait-lists - San Jose Mercury News](<a href=“ON COLLEGE: Many UCs to begin wait-lists – The Mercury News”>ON COLLEGE: Many UCs to begin wait-lists – The Mercury News)
maybe can give you some reference. For example in UCSD 700 waitlist maybe will be 200 be admitted, We will check it later to see this data is correct or not. Good Luck for everyone!</p>
<p>Wow, 29%? Oh no, being 50 points off, I doubt I’m within that range. I’ve read about people who were 6 points off on College Confidential.
I already registered at Irvine.</p>