UCSF Undergrad?

i know UCSF is a grad shcool
however i see that theres a person from my school going there.
theres also other students going
how is this possible? is there some special program or something for high schoolers?

UCSF has no undergraduate programs (although they have post-bac programs for people with bachelor’s degrees). UCSF is sometimes confused with USF, which does have undergraduate programs.

Maybe they are going to USF, University of San Francisco?

thats weird theres accpetnace stats from our school on Naviance tho

I think UCSF may have offered bachelor’s degrees in some health-related fields, like nursing or dental hygiene, in the past. So at one time, it may have been possible to go directly from high school to UCSF. But today, all of their programs (including nursing and dental hygiene) are graduate-level.

where do i find more about these programs?


but where does it mention undergrad stuff?

There is no mention of “undergrad stuff” on the current UCSF website, for the obvious reason that UCSF has not offered undergraduate degree programs for many years.

Historical data show that during the 1990s, UCSF was issuing around 85-100 bachelor’s degrees per year, presumably in specialized health-related fields:

But the numbers of UCSF undergraduate degrees dropped in the 2000s, and gradually fell to zero:
2000: 94
2001: 21
2002: 16
2003: 18
2004: 21
2005: 11
2006: 1
2007: 0
2008: 0
2009: 2
All years since 2009: 0

So UCSF last issued a bachelor’s degree in 2009, around eight years ago. Probably the 2009 degrees were awarded to people who had originally enrolled much earlier in a bachelor’s program, and who finally finished up after a long leave of absence.

well how come there are student s from my school going there in 2017, 2016, 2015, etc…

Your data are either wrong, or are being wrongly interpreted.

The University of California tracks admissions to each UC campus from individual high schools. Try looking up your high school there, and see how many of your school’s students go directly to UCSF, according to UC’s own database.


You should ask these students what they are studying at UCSF. We have given you all the published information possible.

UCSF is not even listed as a campus option on the link posted by @Corbett, so I agree that something is not correct with your school data @SREE33.

ok thats really werid tho

My D’s HS Naviance shows a few students (11) applying to UCSF and seven (7) being accepted with fairly low stats for a prestigious university, like GPA’s under 3.5 and SAT scores at the high end being around 1100 +/-.

I’m sure it’s a data entry error. Garbage in, garbage out.

Probably confusion between UCSF and USF. Or maybe SFSU. Or maybe UCSF was a data entry error for CSUF.

Pointless trivia challenge: how many common school abbreviations can you make, using only the letters “U”, “C”, “S”, or “F”? Letters can repeat. Junior colleges count.

Seems like at least 10 in-state and at least 10 more out-of-state.

The quote is from the website: https://www.ucsf.edu/education/admissions
(Undergraduates are students without a Bachelor’s degree.)

Basically, “from the horse’s mouth” so if your classmates claim that they got into UCSF, then I think they are mistaken.

USF is the University of San Francisco, a private “catholic” college, that also goes by the acronym USFCA: https://www.usfca.edu

UCF is the University of Central Florida.
USF is a pubic college in Florida: University of South Florida.
SFC is Santa Fe College in Gainesville Florida.

FWIW: My neighbor works in admissions at UCSD. She says EVERY year, distraught students arrive in her office indicating that they were admitted to UCSD. They wonder why no one is around for move-in days. They even bring their admissions paperwork that shows they were admitted . . . . . . to USD. Consequently, my friend works at the USD health office and receives upset parents/students who swore they applied to UCSD or USC only to be arriving at the wrong schools.

@“aunt bea” People do not read! While it can be confusing, if they pay attention to what they are doing there should be no problems. I wonder how many mix ups there are between Washington University, Washington and Lee University and the University of Washington; Miami University and University of Miami; and the infamous California University in California, PA! The last one has a URL of http://www.calu.edu/.

In the early 1980s, Doug Flutie was a sensational quarterback for Boston College. Applications to Boston College surged, with many prospective students specifically mentioning Flutie in their essays.

And at the same time … applications to Boston University also surged, with many prospective students specifically mentioning Flutie in their essays.

@Corbett The Boston University admissions website once mentioned an essay they read in which the answer to the “Why BU?” prompt was that the applicant valued a Jesuit education.