UD Acceptance Class of 2023

I sure wasn’t aware of any separate applications for other scholarships. :slightly_frowning_face:

There is a Leadership in Service Scholarship which requires you to be nominated by your church, school or community. Its fairly simple to nominate someone who is a leader in their youth group, community organization or school. I believe its $2,500 /yr. There is a Minority Engineering Scholarship which is also $2,500/yr. My daughter received a Commitment to Catholic Education Award ($2,000) but I’m not sure why/how she received it. I’m sure there are a few others.

Thanks, FarmerMom. Their website was hard for us to navigate and I didn’t see anything about the Leadership or the Commitment scholarships. That’s so frustrating because we are needing about $5k more in scholarship funds to make UD a viable option. Grrrrr…

I had hw same reaction and I’m still annoyed about how the admissions office reacted. When I found a page about the leadership scholarship with no additional info. I called the school and was told, oh the student had to be nominated and that all the high schools were sent the information. Well most of them. That is a direct quote. I again asked how we/the students were supposed to know about it, and got the same reply.

I really want Dayton to work for my kid. It was the top contender. Pulling boneheaded stuff like this puts them into a second class tier of schools. It’s not that hard. If you want top students to apply, then you make the info and benefits available to them. If they apply and don’t get it then so be it. If you tell them oh too bad you’re too late for a great scholarship that we didn’t tell you about, then that’s not right. Same thing with the study abroad and commitment to catholic education award (first I’ve heard about that one). Dayton if you’re listening fix your website!

Sorry - I had to rant to get my frustrations out! Moving our hopes onto the next school… one that is higher ranked, more on top of things, and now most likely with better aid.

Jjplus3 I completely agree! We would like UD to work out, and would be glad to apply for any/all scholarships. But the website isn’t user friendly, and believe me, I’ve scoured it to look for scholarship opportunities! You are absolutely right that they need to make the entire list available, identify those with separate applications, and then let the decisions fall where they may. But if families can’t easily find that information, and then are told “too bad, so sad” after it’s too late, then that puts the school in a bad light. And what I’m not clear about - still - is whether any additional scholarships that didn’t require an application are going to be forthcoming. If not, then we may be moving on, too.

I completely understand your frustration. I hope you can find some community scholarships like Knights of Columbus or other community based ones that might help. My daughter is finishing up some today ( snowday) that have February deadlines like a Northrup Grumman engineering scholarship. We found out about the Leadership in Service Scholarship from a parent who is a guidance counselor at a different high school. No application, just required a nomination form from her church youth leader. Although I understand your frustration UD has been the most transparent school when it comes to merit based scholarships based on test scores. There is a bit of a range for each level. If your student wasn’t offered the highest amount maybe a meeting with admissions during an accepted students day might help.

We just received her scholarship letter today. $22k for the first year (Almost the max amt total) plus the study abroad and book award. So that answers our question about the study abroad scholarship. We will meet with them when the do the regional FA meetings and see what else can be done on their end, and my daughter is doing the same thing today - snowday = scholarship essays day. I guess it will come down to how generous they are with need based aid. I’ll keep my fingers crossed… good luck to all those who are awaiting their results!

See - I feel better after this morning’s rant lol!

Hi. I am interested in Dayton for next year and was wondering if your daughter ended up going, and if she likes it.

I’m interested in applying next year and there isn’t many posts about UD on CC. Do you mind sharing your child’s stats as a frame of reference?