<p>Hey! </p>
<p>So, yeah.. I'm a transfer and I'll most likely apply for Winter '12 - just in case.</p>
<p>My current GPA is a 3.67 and I'll have about 65 credits completed after Fall quarter at a WA community college. Yes, I'm in state. My majors are Political Science and Econ. </p>
<p>I recently got invited to Phi Theta Kappa so I'm not sure if I'll transfer to UW for Winter or if I'll stay at my CC and try to get into a better university, however, as of now - could I consider UW a reach, a safety, or a match? </p>
<p>Thanks! (:</p>
<p>UW is definitely not a safety for you. They don’t like to admit transfer students without a two-year degree. Having only 65 credits will make it much harder for you to get in. I would call UW a match or maybe a slight reach.</p>
<p>Thanks guys! (:</p>
<p>Yeah, I’m wondering right now if I should get my AA or if I should just apply and see what happens. Oh well. I think I’ll just apply.</p>
<p>Oh - I don’t know if that matters… but I looked at my transcripts online and my “college” cum. GPA is a 3.75 but my “current” GPA is a 3.67. </p>
<p>Which GPA would they count?</p>
<p>Do you know what the difference between the current and the cumulative is? Is the ‘current’ just your latest quarter? If so, they will look at the overall picture – the cumulative, although the overall trend does matter.</p>
<p>Would it be easy for you to get your AA? I was in a similar position as you & my counselor strongly advised that I do it. So I applied my AP credits and took like two humanities classes one quarter and that was that.</p>
<p>Even though your chances don’t seem very high, why not just try anyways and see what happens? I actually had a classmate who was in a similiar situation as you and she got in UW. She was an instate transfer student without a 2 year degree and her GPA was actually lower than yours…So who knows? :)</p>
<p>No, the gpa from my last quarter was a 4.0 … I got pretty lucky otherwise it wouldn’t be this good now lol</p>
<p>When I check my Degree Audit at my CC, my “current” gpa is just the one where they didn’t calculate math 99 - a prereq for stats and all the other higher level math classes.</p>
<p>I just checked UW’s Transfer Equivalency and it seems like Math 99 won’t transfer which really makes me hopeful because I guess they’d only care about the 3.75 then.</p>
<p>man, that’d be sweet!</p>
<p>alice - Thank you! 
I just finished my Personal Statement… so, yeah, I’ll give it a shot.
Do you know what her major is? I just applied for Political Science right now. </p>
<p>That really makes me hopeful!
<p>Oh and andrea - It would be easy for me to get my AA, but I’d graduate next March
And then I’d have nothing to do until I could maybe start at UW in Summer '12.
That’s pretty much the reason why I wanted to transfer without it but I guess I could just take two classes for Winter, or maybe just one.</p>
<p>Thanks again guys!</p>
<p>aheadofthegame- She applied as a Computer Science major…but I think she’s pursuing something else now lol…anyways good luck with everything!! :))</p>