<p>If you are currently going to the University of Florida and you make a comment thanks in advanced.</p>
<p>1) If you have lived in the west dorms -- such as Graham and Tolbert -- how was you experience there? </p>
<p>2) Im alittle confused on the bathroom layout on each floor -- Can you explain how it it? How many showers? Stalls?</p>
<p>3) Do you have any preference on what hall is the best on campus? If so dont be afraid to be biased :P.</p>
<p>4) Up in the springs dorms do things get out of hand since they are so close to fraternities? Is the rumor that most athletes live there true?</p>
<p>5) On the housing application when you choose your room preference what if i would like to choose a single or double suite and the application only says "SUITE" does that mean i get to choose later down the road?</p>
<p>Thanks!!! (I know ur probably thinking i have a lot of questions lol sry!)</p>
<p>Fine. Just took the bus to the Hub and walked to my classes. You could walk but didn’t feel like it. The Graham Oasis was a plus for when you wanted food at 12am or different grocery items. Also you were close to the large Red3 (freshmen) parking lot.</p>
<p>You have a floor with ~40-50 students. The bathroom is in the middle. 4 shower stalls, 6 sinks , 6 toilets, 3 urinals. </p>
<p>I don’t have a favorite traditional style dorm.</p>
<p>Yes. They stick all the athletes in springs. I heard football and basketball students were the most unruly, but have heard goods things from the other athletes. Springs and fraternities have nothing in common. You probably see more stuff in the freshmen dorms b/c people are pledging. </p>
<p>On west campus, only lakeside, keys, and maybe springs (not sure) have suites. All the other dorms has doubles and triples (temporary and permanent). Chances are you wont get a single. (very, very few and extremely same)</p>
<p>Unfortunately, a consistent ranking by Princeton Review in the top 20 (out of 368 schools) in the category “Dorms like Dungeons” can give you a pretty good idea.</p>