Around this time of year, it’s not uncommon to get questions about “outcomes”. “If I go to UF, will I get a job?” Of course, those questions can’t be answered, but UF does survey it’s graduates and you may find some of the results of interest.
I’ll use Engineering as an example, but all other colleges are included in the survey.
Spring 2014 Graduation Survey Results Undergraduates in Engineering.
Q6 - If employment will most likely be your primary activity, which of the following best describes your current state of plans for employment immediately after graduation?
Response: % of all Responses
Have accepted a position (including residency positions): 57%
Have been offered a position or multiple positions, but declined positions and still searching for preferred position: 2% Considering one or more offers: 7%
Currently searching or waiting on offers: 23%
Will begin searching for a position after graduation: 9% i*
Already have a position/staying in current position: 2%
Other (please specify) 2%
So, at graduation, 32% of engineers (that responded to the question) are still searching or waiting on offers.
Q9 - What is your starting annual salary excluding benefits, but including bonuses?
<$45,000: 9%
$45,001 - $55,000: 13%
$55,001 - $65,000: 32%
$65,001 - $75,000: 31%
$75,001+: 14%
How about getting an internship?
Q12 - Did you complete an internship (either academic or non-academic) while attending the University of Florida? (If you had both academic and non-academic internships, please indicate that in your response below)
Response: % of all Responses
No - I did not complete an internship while attending UF: 33%
Yes - I completed 1 or more academic internship (credit bearing): 14%
Yes - I completed 1 or more non-academic internship (non-credit bearing): 46%
Yes - I completed both academic and non-academic internships: 7%
So, 1/3 didn’t complete an internship.
Other questions include how many years did it take to earn the degree (50% completed it in 5 years), in what state will the grads be employed or are employed (57% will be employed out of state), and how do the grads rate their overall satisfaction with their university experience at UF (spoilers, only 6% where dissatisfied).
I should stress that this is survey data, and is self-reported. However, it is interesting to review.