UF or UM premed honors?

<p>im contemplating over which school is better and more likely to get u into med school while in the honors program? also how is the PRISM program at UM? is that better than enrolling in honors at either school?</p>

<p>Both schools are good schools that will get you into good medical schools as they both have great premed programs. Being an honors student, you will take advantage of what they will offer you, but UM offers a more conducive arena for study. UM is a smaller school where the professors will personally know you and bend over backwards to enable your education. If money is not a problem or if you have a scholarship, I would definitely choose the school that offers critical thinking rather than watered down multiple choice style education because at UF, your smallest class will have 90 students. At UM, that will be your biggest general education course. Both have a well respected name, but UM may have more of a name within the medical field. UF has its advantages in other fields of study.</p>

<p>"I would definitely choose the school that offers critical thinking rather than watered down multiple choice style education because at UF, your smallest class will have 90 students. At UM, that will be your biggest general education course. Both have a well respected name, but UM may have more of a name within the medical field."</p>

<p>Not even close to accurate</p>

<p>UF has stronger faculty, academics, and a higher peer assessment score. Also some class sizes are large (but primarily just the Gen-ed courses). In addition Kiplinger last year ranked UF as the 2nd best overall value in all of Higher Education.</p>


<p>As Mia pointed out, there are pros and cons for both. Having recently gone through the same deliberations as you are going through, I would give a fair amount of weight to her observations as you decide.</p>

<p>Now SOBick's UNPROVOKED attack on her credibility (she even said something positive about UF) is a whole different animal coming from the Troll poster child. Let's look at Bick's "arguments" to prove his "accuracy"</p>

<p>"UF has stronger faculty" (Bick, your right, with all those young Grad students and TAs teaching those big classes, UF will most surely win the UF vs. UM Tug of War contest) </p>

<p>"academics" (Yes, broad general statements with no facts behind them...first popularized by european dictators in the '30s), </p>

<p>"and a higher peer assessment score" (Bick still has time to read USNWR...but doesn't mention ONE point seperates the schools in the same magazine). </p>

<p>"Also some class sizes are large" (but primarily just the Gen-ed courses)(BEEP, BEEP, the sound of Bick backing up when Mia made a point). </p>

<p>"In addition Kiplinger last year ranked UF as the 2nd best overall value in all of Higher Education." (Yes, some 40 + year old hack staff writer for Kiplingers who went to J school is better able to speak about your situation than Mia who just went through something similar)</p>

<p>Maybe Bick will go excite himself reading more UF press releases and stop trolling over here.</p>

<p>Thanks for the backup BaghDAD. BY the way, I'm a guy and the Mia stands for the city in which I live. ;)</p>

<p>Mia, my apoligies, this is why I have to remember the first rule of posting: Gender-neutral terms...</p>



<p>Yeah, more of a name when compared to other universities in South Florida. From a national point of view, UF/Shands is hands down the best med school/hospital in the state of Florida and one of the best in the region:</p>

<p>“Shands’ ranking in 11 subspecialties was the most of any hospital in
Florida, and Shands at UF had the highest ranking of all Florida hospitals
in endocrinology, geriatrics, heart and heart surgery, respiratory care and

<p>In comparison, UM only ranked in 4 specialties.</p>

<p>Gator ■■■■■■ are branching out to other school’s boards since they can’t defend UF President Bernie Mac’s lack of integrity on the main board.</p>

<p>Again, it is undergraduate Pre-med we are talking about, not how great Shands is (It is very, very good). What is the best fit for U for Miami to reach their goal of getting into med school? The med school might be in-state or out of state. </p>

<p>Do you Florida guys have a Talking Points Memo you get everyday from the UF Central Party Committee? Bick mentioned the Peer Assessment score…now we know why Dear Leader Machen wanted it highlighted</p>

<p>I see you have no rebuttal to my posting. Nice try with your tactics of distraction and redirection!</p>

<p>Pre-Med, PRE-MED, remember…</p>

<p>Go back to your own board, we are trying to help students here, not spread propaganda</p>

<p>I was originally responding to Mia’s comment about the medical reputation comparisons between UM and UF that I quoted above. Unfortunately for him, the national medical/hospital community disagrees. If we are going to help students, then we need to provide them with facts, not random opinions!</p>


<p>This OP last posted in early May and posed the same question on the UF board, to which you didn’t respond. mia also last posted in early May. Seems to me you had ample time and opportunity to provide your “facts.” I knew as soon as InMyOpinion posted, you Gator ■■■■■■ would be over…please go to the FSU board, they will let you ■■■■■ away</p>

<p>I didn’t need to since I felt the OP got an adequate response.</p>

<p>Thank you for the responses. I have received adequate responses, however that does not mean this thread has to end. Another student may also have a similar question in the future, so please add.</p>



<p>Take into consideration the validity of such argument about this topic and anything related to UF. Of course, the fact that Machen’s dishonesty had not been exposed a month ago, will really make no difference in changing the behavior nor the apologetic responses in question. On the other hand, I think it helps to take some posters for what they really are.</p>

<p>As far as the academic rigor of the individual programs, i think it is more a matter of “fit” and which one of the two will provide a better environment to the student in question. You should go and visit both. Once you do that, the choice will be very, very, very easy.</p>