<p>I thought I would give this forum a shot. Who out there has applied to UF for the summer semester? I applied in early october (early I know) for summer B but haven't heard back yet. I applied as a History major in CLAS (which I heard is a hard college to get into). I am a student at UCF with a 3.3 GPA and 4.0 preprof. I don't have very many extracurriculars but I'm not sure they even care about that stuff. I believe I did a decent job on my essay. I have completed all my prereqs and will have my AA by the end of Summer A. What are my chances of admission? When is UF suppose to let us know?</p>
<p>Also, if we aren't admitted for the summer term, can we reapply for fall?</p>
<p>i think you have a good chance of getting in
my stats are lower than yours but i got in anyway.</p>
<p>anyways, just wondering, why are you transferring from UCF?</p>
<p>Thanks for the positive comment. All I’ve heard lately is how hard it is to get in. If you don’t mind me asking, what are your stats and major? And the reason I’m transferring is that I decided freshman year that I didn’t want to do engineering and that I want to do something I actually like. But unfortunately UCF doesn’t have the most respected history program and to get into a good grad school I need to go somewhere a little more prestigious. (Also I’m a huge gator fan!)</p>
<p>i have an 3.3 overall gpa. not sure what my pre prof gpa is but i think its the same as my overall as well…im a psych major. did you like engineering to begin with? </p>
<p>i dont think grad schools will look into “prestigious” but rather gpa, intern/research, extracurriculars. but if you feel that way, then ignore what i just said
just my honest opinion. UF does give you the full college experience from what ive heard. </p>
<p>as for your new major, make sure you FINISH YOUR PRE REQS otherwise you will get rejected for not having pre reqs done. i was admitted into CLAS as well and luckily, i had my pre reqs done (one is WIP). although they said in order to be fully admitted, i need a B in this psych class im taking. hope this helps.
oh and have your AA of course. they are really strict with changing majors too for transfers.</p>
<p>Congrats on being accepted btw. To answer your question: no, not really. I just didn’t feel it was right for me. I mainly did it to appease my family. They wanted me to do something “practical”, but hey you only go to college once so why not major in something you actually like?</p>
<p>As far as grad school goes, I am hoping on going to UF for that as well, so I thought going there for undergrad would help my chances of admission. And I have also heard that UF is a great place if you want the “college experience”.</p>
<p>Yes, I know lol. I’ve done an insane amount of research and pretty much know the process front and back. I have completed two prereqs and will take my final one this spring. What I don’t know is if my application is competitive. I know that not many people apply as history majors, but CLAS is the largest and most competitve college to get into. Almost everyone that I have seen has applied with a 3.5+ gpa. What term did you apply for btw? Oh and sorry for this being so long…</p>
<p>I applied for spring 2012.
Honestly, I’m sure you will bring your gpa up enough this spring since you’ll be taking classes you actually like</p>
<p>Can’t guarantee you an admission but i can tell you my personal experience. Just worry about gpa and pre reqs then it should work out in the end. Honestly, I worried about UF for like a week when I had to apply and was focused on other colleges. But then again, I knew how UF like to take their time</p>
<p>Anyone applying to UF for the summer semester? If so have you heard anything back yet?</p>
<p>I looked this morning and found out! ACCEPTED (:</p>
<p>When did you apply? What major and what were your stats?</p>
<p>Were you accepted to Summer B?</p>
<p>I applied for summer B, i sent my app in december and all my transcripts like 2 weeks ago! CLAS college</p>
<p>What is your major?</p>
<p>Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using CC</p>
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Major: Political Science</p>
<p>Congratulations to all of you who got in!!! Could you please share with us your experience? gpa, major, and day you applied! How good was your essays???</p>
<p>i just applied for summer, i think my essay is ok, I have only a few extracurricular activities, since i work full time and study full time at the same time.
My major is Industrial Engineering.
GPA: 3.95 PRE.PROF. : 4.00</p>
<p>Hey guys. Seems like most of us are on the same boat. I have five courses in progress (only one is required for my major) and will get my A.A from Miami Dade College in April. I applied Feb. 09, for the summer B term. My transcripts were received by them by Feb 13 and I checked a few days later and my status was “deferred to my department” so they can make the final decision. The suspense is killing me and it’s only been a week lol
My major isn’t a limited access program and I am hoping admissions for summer is slightly less competitive? <em>fingers crossed</em></p>
<p>It depends on your major and which college is reviewing your application.
I applied to CLAS for History and once it was deferred to my department it took less than 3 weeks to find out.</p>
<p>so anxious! I applied to CLAS for philosophy. Hope I get a fast reply like you :/</p>
<p>I applied to UCF too 
the wait is killing me, no one has responded to me yet lol</p>
<p>I also applied to UCF on Jan 28 for summer n im still waiting… I got into USF a week after i applied! Why ucf takes soo long???</p>