UF vs. U of Miami

<p>I was wondering if anyone can tell me what they think is a better school FOR MEDICINE ONLY! Please be honest and dont say Miami is better because you hate Florida sportswise. I need an honest opinion because one of these have a chance of being my match to high match school. Look at my stats if needed by doing the "find more posts by california_love8" thing.</p>

<p>As opposed to making us crawl around for your posts, why don't you just repost your stats here for our comments and make it easier on everyone?</p>

<p>Both schools provide excellent premed foundations, but different atmospheres. You should look for schools where the "fit" is right for you. Much of the med school admission process is centered around your undergrad success and you will be most successful at a school where you are comfortable and happy. Instead of which is better, you need to figure out which is better for you. Good luck, you can't go wrong with either school.</p>

<p>M-3-s is correct and the schools are exact opposites. UF very large, UM smaller. UF's campus is wide-spread and more city like, UM is very compact and has the lake. It's cheaper to live in Gainesville than the Gables. Gainesville is a small, easier to navigate small city, whereas Miami is....well....Miami. Miami has excellent choices, but UF has just as many, if not more. </p>

<p>It truly is about fit. I hate to see anyone say its about one major only, because chances are good (about 99.9%) that you will change majors at least once. Son changed 3 times, although mine went just from one science to two other science related majors.... And every last one of his friends has changed at least once. </p>

<p>If your die hard pre-med, something else you will want to consider is where you want to go to med school. The CA med schools are very pro-resident and tend to give preference to their own state schools. If your still set on Florida, either one will give you a great education though......</p>

<p>UF is ranked 47th overall and is the 13th best public university. Only costs around 3k a year instate and 17k a year out of state.</p>


<p>UM is ranked 54th overall and is the not even a top 30 private university. Costs 31k a year. </p>

<p>UF >>> UM</p>

<p>SSobick, you can't go by that. UMiami is much more well known among the general public than UF. In addition, U Miami has a large, strong alumni base for jobs and internships. In Florida, it is a powerhouse for connections.</p>

<p>Finally,like that of many state schools. UF is subject to budget cuts. This can dramatically affect the quality of the education there and the tuition.</p>

<p>To the general population, more people know of University of Miami than University of Florida.</p>

<p>UF has an extremely rural environment and the difference in rank does not justify it over University of Miami based on academics alone.</p>

<p>For the person looking for the typical college atmosphere with mostly frat/house parties and little to do off campus compared to a city:</p>

<p>University of Florida >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> University of Miami</p>

<p>For the person looking for a more city-oriented atmosphere with more to do off-campus in terms of restaurants, nightclubs, movie theaters, lounges, athletic events etc.......</p>

<p>University of Miami >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> University of Florida</p>

<p>"UMiami is much more well known among the general public than UF. In addition, U Miami has a large, strong alumni base for jobs and internships."</p>

<p>Well UF's peer assesment score is 3.6, whereas UM is only ranked 3.2. So your statement is clearly inaccurate.
<a href="http://s89.photobucket.com/albums/k226/calidan87/?%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://s89.photobucket.com/albums/k226/calidan87/?&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Also UF has a far bigger alumni base and has more clout in the state of Florida. The only place in the country that UM is perceived as being more prestigious is only New Jersey and New York.</p>

<p>Actually, I would disagree with that last statement. Miami has better recognition and distinction fromColorado Westward the U of Florida ever will.</p>

<p>SSobick, don't you read posts before responding to them? What I said in post 6 was, "UMiami is much more well known among the general public than UF"</p>

<p>Notice I said "general public" and not among deans or president's of schools,which is what the US News' peer assessment score is based on. </p>

<p>With Miami wining 5 national football championships, who hasn't heard of them?</p>

<p>Last time I checked, the dean's and faculty of the other schools aren't the general public.</p>

<p>This is what we mena. If you go to a random guy on the street and ask him do you know about the University of Miami he is more likely to say, "yes" than if we ask him do you know the University of Florida.</p>

<p>Florida football is just as huge as Miami. So to the general public, I would say it's pretty equal. </p>

<p>Academically, UF is more prestigious.</p>