UF vs UCF Honors?

<p>I have pretty good stats for these two colleges, with a 31 ACT/4.3 GPA. However, I'm not sure which university would be better for me, either UF or the UCF Honors College. I intend to major in the sciences, as i want to go to medical school. Probably bio, chem, or psych. Which university is better for sciences? Also, I have heard some negative things about UF from friends that go there, that the dorms are terrible and there is nothing to do in Gainesville. Can anyone offer some more insight? Pros and cons of each university would help a lot. Thanks!</p>

<p>bump. anyone?</p>

<p>I’m not sure what kind of response you expect. I’m sure you realize that, academically, UF has much higher ranked programs in the sciences and has the added advantage of having the best med school in the state. The rest is largely subjective and depends on your personal preferences. I’d suggest you visit each and make your choice. Odd you’d get comments that there is nothing to do in Gainesville…considering some consider it to be one of the best college towns in the country.</p>

<p>i visited UF over the summer expecting (and hoping!) to love it. unfortunately when i got there i was EXTREMELY let down, to say the least. for a school with so many people, on a saturday afternoon at 1:15 there was not ONE person on campus…no, i’m not being sarcastic. a nice saturday in florida, you’d expect people to be outside…or at least walking SOMEWHERE, but nope, there was nothing. i asked a waiter in restaurant why and they claimed there was a huge party last night so everybody was sleeping (mind you…it was 1:15…you’d expect at least a few people to be awake) and that there was an away football game that everybody had travelled to. some may consider gainesville to be one of the best college towns, but i got the feeling that it was more of hicksville than anything. if you’re looking for a great school in florida, try miami. good scene, good school, overall good atmosphere.</p>

<p>If you are trying to get a feel for a school you need to actually visit the school when it in session.
Quite different when the entire student body of 45,000 is in G’ville.
You probably only had a few thousand students there when you visited.</p>

<p>correction to my comment - i went mid september when there was an away football game, not during the summer.</p>



<p>Gville is always a ghost town during football games or when the football game is within about 200 miles.</p>

<p>so you think if i went back on a day (perhaps during the week) i’d get a different feel for the school?</p>

<p>i just looked up whre the game was the day i ewnt. it was at tennessee – and thats about 9 hours away from gainesville. they travel that far?</p>

<p>TONS of traffic trying to get to & from school.
Bumping into 45,000 students.
Go back M-F.</p>

<p>PS ANY school will be dead on Sat.</p>

<p>i visited several schools on a saturday and all of them had more liveliness and people around.</p>

<p>UF is the best school in Florida, especially med wise.</p>

<p>UCF is not a horrible school but it lacks UF’s science departments.</p>

<p>I don’t know either school well. You must consider which school will give you the better opportunity to do undergraduate research with a professor who could write you a letter of rec for med school… and which school will give you better preparation to ace the MCAT… and that’s not a joke.</p>

<p>Acing the mcat will be a personal experience. UF will have better brand equity in case you change your mind about med school, but if UCF is offering you a cheaper experience, go there. YOu will need the extra cash for med school. I think med admissions is a function of GPA/MCAT.</p>