UF vs. University of Alabama (w/ full-ride)

Hi! So I’m a HS senior and I’m trying to decide between UF and the University of Alabama, but I’m not sure which one I should go with and I was hoping I could get some guidance. The deadline to commit is coming up and I’m still not sure. I’ll be majoring/minoring in some combination of public relations and political science.

At the University of Alabama, I have a full-ride since I’m a NMF. At UF, my COA is 15k/yr, which my parents are comfortably able (and willing) to pay. Even so, the cost difference still gives me some pause.

At UA, I’d be in the Honors College and receive the study abroad/research + book stipends which are also nice benefits. However, I know UF has a better academic reputation, so it worth paying more for it?

Who says UF has a better academic reputation? US News.

PR is a low paying field and poli sci doesn’t matter where you go.

Both Bama and Florida have decent PR programs.

I’d say this - where you go of these two won’t matter - you’ll have to work hard to get an internship and you can and hopefully will.

If money is an issue, go to Bama.

If it’s not an issue, go to the one you prefer. And it sounds like this is your situation - well your parents, not yours.

I know UF has a better academic reputation - if you’re US News…sure. If you’re 99% of the country, it doesn’t matter.

For PR and poli sci, it definitely doesn’t matter.

Choose the one you prefer and don’t look back.


Is there any source that says Bama is superior to Florida as an academic institution?

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Is there a source that says Florida does ?

I didn’t claim either do so not sure the basis of the question.

Does one have more national merit scholars than the other ? That can be fact checked. Yes.

But re read my response. I did not say one was superior to the other.

They are both good solid schools, pick the one that you feel most comfortable at and has the program and support you want. Once you get your first job out of college, it really isn’t going to matter since they are not really that far apart. It is not like you are choosing between a low ranking school and an ivy.

I never said you did.

You asked who said UF had a better academic reputation and then you answered your own question. I was just curious if you have ever seen any publication or other source that ranks Alabama ahead of Florida.

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Oh, I was pointing out that - yes, in US News and perhaps others UF is stronger - but that’s by ranking.

But does ranking matter? And especially in PR - which will likely be an extremely low paying field.

There is data out there that does - for example, more Natl Merit Scholars, a higher rated career center, etc. and I’m sure there are majors. The other year, Bama was “ranked” #1 in I think advertising (It might have been PR).

There may or may not be a ranking or rating out there- honestly, don’t know - but when you list two majors like PR and Poli Sci, it honestly doesn’t matter.

Those who work hardest at success will achieve success.


PS - i have a son at Bama, chosen over UF for engineering - why - i’m assuming closer to mom and he got his own room first year - so I look at all the one is better than the other as hogwash…especially when I see his career outcome (he’s graduating in a month).

Not academic but as a party school Alabama is superior if that matters to you…

UA has a 79% acceptance rate compared to 31% at UF for whatever that is worth or suggests.

Sounds like both schools are comfortably affordable so go to the one that feels like the right fit. Be sure to take the time to understand the benefits you get as part of the honors program at UA - at some colleges they can be significant.

Of course Alabama has many National Merit Finalists, they clearly value that demographic and reward those kids handsomely with scholarships. I personally don’t think it makes a college better to have a bunch of NMF students attending.

I have a kid at UF who is having a great experience there but I do worry that the school will trend down with the political attacks on higher education in the state. Younger professors will likely choose elsewhere to pursue tenure. Something to consider anyway.


Unless you have to for financial reasons, I would stay away from all Florida public colleges right now. The risk is just to high that they are going to destroy them.


Honestly, what is going with education right now in Florida is a huge worry for me and makes me hesitant to stay. Also, Florida is my home state, so I feel like I could always come back to live here post-graduation if I wished.

Emotionally, I think I like UA better but it just feels really difficult to turn down UF. Also, at UF it would be nice to know that I’m only two hours away from home.

If I’m thinking of staying in the south, would job prospects from these two schools be any different or not really?

I do not see the job prospects being any different. For PR or Poli Sci, it is going to be more about your hustle.

No on job prospects. Most jobs today are found on line even if interviews are arranged via the school. You can get a job anywhere - from anywhere. You will struggle and have to be a go getter given your major.

Yes being close to home is easier at holiday time but Tuscaloosa isn’t that far and hey the campus is nicer.

Whatever you decide will be fine. I may be in the minority but I don’t believe you’ll see wholesale changes at a school like UF - at least not in your majors.

But the $15k savings and Honors College, if the curriculum interests you, are a nice perk. Frankly my son chose UA for one reason - over Purdue. As an Honors student you live in Ridgecrest. You get your own dorm room.

Good luck - no bad choice here.

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I think that says it all.


If a student is in the honors college then the people you are surrounded by are very academic. Lots of top schools (The University of Texas) for instance, have a big greek presence and reputation for partying. Once you get into the classes at UA the rigor is there it is still college.

Also, Alabama is not trying to do a “yield protection.” If a student is qualified they are accepted regardless of whether the school thinks they will attend. Many of my kids’ friends apply to UA because it is a good back-up option. Always nice to get an acceptance.

As you may be able to tell from my username, I am a Gator, through and through. I bleed orange and blue, as the saying goes.

My kid didn’t apply to UF, because his stats were borderline. He applied, with misgivings about the political climate, to FSU, last August.

By the winter, with the barrage of disconcerting news out of the Florida government, and before he was accepted with the out-of-state tuition waiver, it was firmly off his list.

If he had applied to UF and gotten in, I believe his decision would be the same.

He committed to Bama last week.


Seems like UAlabama to me for the following reasons:

  1. You prefer UA;
  2. UA is free;
  3. There are considerable perks for being in the honors college at UA.
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