UF vs USF for Finance

I’m currently interested in going to either UF or USF for a double major in biology and finance, likely dropping one of them eventually based on the opportunities availabe to me. If I were doing just medicine, USF 7 year would be the easy choice, but the double major makes the decision much more difficult. Is there any difference in the quality of education and networking/internship opportunities available for finance majors at either school. I understand that not being at a New York school significantly hinders the path towards NY investment banking, but which of these two schools would provide the best path towards achieving a job in NY?

I’m not saying USF isn’t a good school. It might be just as good as even or better than UF for all I know, but up here in the NY metro area it has not yet hit anyone’s radar. UF, on the other hand, whether it deserves it or not, has risen in the US News rankings and in general perception up in these parts, to the point where people compare it to Michigan and Wisconsin. Nobody is doing that for USF (at least not yet). in IB job hunting, name matters, I think (not for medicine, though).

Confused - why did you bring up the 7 year medical? There is another thread about this - and it’s an odd comment given your finance. Are you same OP?

UF or USF it won’t matter. Neither will get you in the door at an IB - but guess what, so much of IB is moving out of NYC - so you’ll have a Raymond James in Tampa, for example…I bet they have loads of USF there.

UF is a bigger national name - but from either school, if NY is the goal (vs. Atlanta, Nashville, Charlotte, Tampa, etc. where so much has moved) - both will be a struggle but UF the better bet.

I’m not sure it’s even possible to double major in Biology and Finance at UF. Email the Undergraduate Chair at each Department to ask whether it’s possible to double major in (their subject) and (other subject), or whether the major’s structure makes such different majors difficult to combine.

Do you want to live by the Gulf of Mexico or in a swamp? A lot of people pick the swamp, but I’m Team Beach all the way.

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