UFE Finalist Interview

Do any of you know what questions they ask during the interview? specifics or general info, anything would be appreciated! Also, any advice or tips for finalist weekend? And, does anyone know how they select the academic elite scholars? thanks :slight_smile:

The interviews have current Fellows, professors, and Honors College representatives in attendance. You’ll also potentially get to meet the head of the UFE program, Dr. Morgan. You’ll get asked things like:

  1. What makes you interested in UFE
  2. Something about your essay (they’ll have it in front of you)
  3. Something personal about yourself–usually comes from a current Fellow–trying to get a sense of who you are
  4. Information about interests at college, major, passions for your future (no big deal if you don’t have a major, just let them know things you like)
  5. They’ll ask questions to assess current leadership positions in high school, and current service in high school
  6. They’ll ask you if you have any questions. You need to have some–create them before you go.
  7. You’ll also hear about Honors College, study abroad, New College, etc that weekend to show you the opportunities at UA.

You should also google and familiarize yourself with the Top 20 College Interview questions and have answers ready for those questions.

Advice for the weekend:

  1. Your clothes should be neat, pressed, and super clean–image counts here. Hair should be cut, faces clean shaven, makeup for girls but not a lot.
  2. Put the cell phone away. Don’t bring it out at all.
  3. You are being assessed from the moment you enter the hotel to the minute the Fellows drop you at the airport–everyone is listening to you, your conversations and comments. Be upbeat, friendly and very polite.
  4. You are in the Southern US–you need your manners. Hold doors for elders, wait to eat until the most senior person at the table begins to eat, etc.
  5. Engage with the current Fellows–their vote is equivalent to everyone else’s.
  6. Observe, ask questions, and talk to others who are there to interview–you might find your roommate in that group!

Academic Elite Scholars are not announced at the time of the UFE announcement. They are announced about 3-4 weeks after the Fellows group has been announced. There were 8 this last year.

Best of luck in your pursuit of Fellows.