UFE Questions!


So I know it might be a bit early, but I’m really trying to get into University Fellows Experience at the University of Alabama, and I understand it’s a very competitive program, so I’m thinking about my application as much ahead of time as I can. I have a few questions, but I’m also very open to general tips for the application and getting into this program. From my understanding, I can’t get into the UFE application until after I am accepted into University of Alabama, which will be a little bit from now considering I haven’t been able to send in my transcript yet. But I digress -

  1. Are the essay topics the same every year? Any ideas on what they will be?
  2. How important are test scores/stats in the process? Right now my ACT is 34 - I’m going to test again in hopes of a 36 anyways, but will a 35 or 36 make that much of a difference on my application?
  3. If any accepted UFE students are reading this, I’d love to hear just general tips and your story about getting into UFE, and your experiences with it! It seems like such a great program, and a great opportunity to serve others.

Thank you so much!

Standardized test scores are important (you should be perfectly fine with a 34); however, they only get you so far in the process. The essays are more heavily weighted and you still have a phone interview before you make it to the final round.

bump - also, does anyone have access to the essay questions already??