UGA expanding engineering to compete with Ga Tech


UGA wants to launch new engineering programs, even though Tech, which is about 70 miles away, has one of the top engineering schools in the country. President Michael Adams proposed new undergraduate degrees in civil, electrical and mechanical engineering — disciplines that have long been Tech’s expertise....</p>

<p>Adams wrote allowing UGA to expand its engineering degrees would give students more options and keep in the state those who can’t get into Tech. UGA could compete for additional federal grants and provide more engineers to meet work force needs, he wrote...</p>

<p>Over the past decade, UGA has rebuilt an engineering program. It established the Faculty of Engineering in 2001. The university offers degrees in agricultural, biological, biochemical, environmental and computer systems engineering. None overlap with Tech in a meaningful way.</p>

<p>Civil, electrical and mechanical engineering programs at UGA would retain Georgians who wind up in Alabama, Tennessee and South Carolina because they couldn’t get into Tech, according to the UGA proposal.


<p>Should be interesting....</p>

<p>It’s always nice to hear that UGA will offer more classes… but at the same time, it seems like it would be a whole lot easier for Tech to just raise the size of its incoming classes by a few hundred. In my opinion, a UGA School of Engineering would be redundant.</p>

<p>Good point, jabalf. The article said, which I confess made me chuckle, that they were doing this in part for students who couldnt get into Tech. Are they implying that their program will be a “Tech Lite”?</p>