UGA Honors

<p>If you got an invitation to the honors program in the mail, say "Aye!"</p>

<p>...and post your stats.</p>

<p>Aye! D is in Honors. Letter today. 2270 SAT, National Merit Semi-finalist, >4.0 gpa.</p>

<p>SAT: 1450/2180</p>

<p>UGA Weighted GPA: 4.1 (including grades through end of my junior year since that is all they have looked at so far, but if I would have been required to submit my honors application including my fall term grades from senior year it would have been a 4.15 on their scale.)</p>

<p>Rank: I don’t officially know my rank at my new high school until I return from break, but I was 7/634 at my previous school, and I suspect I will be somewhere in the top 20 out of about 670 seniors at my new school.</p>

<p>EC: Although I don’t think they have weighed EC’s very heavily for this first round of honors invitations (other than the counselor recommendation form), I will list some of mine for those who are still applying to the program so they can get some sort of general feel for the EC involvement of admitted honors students. I have held a leadership position in band since my sophomore year and made UIL District and Region bands on euphonium, co-founded the science club at my school sophomore year and coordinated fundraisers so we could attend the BotBall Robotics competition in Houston my junior year, have my private pilot license, had my website entry in the Texas Technology Students Association(TSA) competition advance to state where it won, was on the UIL Academics Ready Writing and Literary Criticism teams, and have a fair amount of community service.</p>

<p>Although I’m from Texas, I moved to Georgia this year due to a parent’s promotion so I’m not sure if they considered me OOS when they were reviewing my file or not. They do classify me as OOS for tuition purposes until I’ve been here for 12 months.</p>

<p>I wish everyone the best of luck with all your college admissions and if anyone reading this is in the honors program at UGA right now I’d appreciate any comments/suggestions you have for prospective incoming honors students.</p>

<p>Aye! got the letter yesterday…SAT 2250, 3.875 GPA (according to my high school’s calculation system where 4.0 is the highest possible), 8 AP courses total, ranked 50/821, some decent ECs</p>


<p>36 ACT
3.92 UW GPA (High school calculation)
9 AP classes total
Ranked 11/208
Good EC’s - Theatre, mainly</p>

<p>How did you guys apply? (e.g. Auto-admit, Foundation Fellows app, Honors app)</p>

<p>I was a Foundation Fellows applicant.</p>

<p>I applied early action and did not submit the Foundation Fellows or Honors apps which are apparently not required to get into the honors program.</p>

<p>Um, I think you do have to apply for Honors at UGA. If you apply for FF, no additonal app is needed as it covers both. Check and see if there is still time for Honors; I don’t recall the deadline.</p>

<p>Looks like you’re OK–FEB 1 for EA applicants, MAR 15 for RD. See UGA Honors website.</p>

<p>I already got my invitation to join the honors program and I did not submit an honors application. In fact I just wrote to one of my teachers to tell her that I know longer needed her recommendation, because I have already gotten in… I was under the impression that you had to apply as well, but apparently that is not the case.</p>

<p>Congrats to all of those who got in! Honors is a great opportunity for the students who are willing to take advantage of what it has to offer. I’ll offer some general advice that might apply.</p>

<li><p>Think very carefully about what you want out of college before you get there. If you have an idea of what you want to do (pre-med for instance), start figuring out what you’ll need to do to get there. I know it seems really early, but so many people don’t look carefully enough into their “plan” and either run into a mid-college major crisis or get to their senior year and realize they hate the options they’re stuck with. If you don’t have any idea about what you want to do, look into some likely fields and ask around for good professors in general. A good way to do that is to take advantage of the Honors courses and seminars. </p></li>
<li><p>Honors courses and seminars have two major advantages over regular classes: They emphasize discussion and they’re capped at 20 students, max (except for some science classes, but even then it’s much, much smaller than a 300 person lecture). I’ve had classes with as few as 7 or 8 students before, which really lets you get into the material. You’ll also have a great chance to get to know professors (see below). Honors seminars are great too because they’re all pass/fail, so you can take a class on something in any subject without having to worry about anything other than learning. </p></li>
<li><p>Look into what people have done before and what people are doing now in Honors. There are over 2000 students at UGA right now in Honors; you’ll be amazed at all the different things people have done. The best way to do this is by talking to older Honors students as well as Honors staff members. For instance, I once casually mentioned to a CURO staffer that there weren’t enough research projects in International Affairs. The next day I got an email detailing several research projects I hadn’t heard about before and I immediately got involved with them. There are plenty of old theses available and plenty of older Honors students who’ve probably done something before that you might be interested in. </p></li>
<li><p>Enjoy college. Don’t be afraid to go to parties or spend time socializing. Don’t come in with a quest to become a superstudent and win every award in the world. Ambition is fine, but overambitious people can be grating (i.e. don’t take 21 hours your freshman year including Ochem, overly suck up to people, or announce your plans to win a Rhodes Scholarship). Just focus on enjoying your time, making friends, and keeping up with schoolwork as well as looking into the future and trying out activities. There are lots of things you can do, but as I’m finding out now as a senior quality counts far, far more than quantity. Do a few things (select them carefully of course, use your freshman year for this), but do them very well. </p></li>

<p>If anyone has any more questions about Honors, feel free to post or PM me. I’m graduating with Int’l Affairs and History degrees and I’m planning on going to grad school in PoliSci, so if you have any questions about those areas feel free to ask.</p>

<p>I didn’t apply for anything either.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice by the way!</p>

<p>thxs vig180 super helpfull!</p>

<p>I don’t think vig180 is reading this anymore. He graduated a year ago.</p>

<p>I’m still on the boards, albeit quite far away from Athens now (sadly!). Always welcome to answer questions about Honors/Fellowship/Etc. While some information is already getting dated, I’m enjoying watching how people fare throughout college and after they graduate so I can add more (albeit anecdotal) perspective on the outcome side now.</p>

<p>do any of you guys know what the average scores necessary on the SAT and on SAT subject tests need to be to get into UGA Honors?</p>

<p>do any of you guys know what the average scores necessary on the SAT and on SAT subject tests need to be to get into UGA Honors?</p>

<p>UGA doesn’t require SAT subject tests, but there is a spot on the Honors application to list SAT II scores, IB scores, and AP scores. For the first round of admissions, the auto admits, it is solely based on either SAT or ACT scores. I believe the top 2% of Early Action applicants are invited into the Honors Program. If you don’t make that cut, you can apply by February 1.</p>

<p>The average scores have been rising steadily over the past few years. 2010/2011 is the highest I’ve seen. The application does give you a chance to highlight leadership roles, extra curriculars, and community involvement. And there is an essay required.</p>

<p>Here are the latest stats for the Honors Program.</p>

<p>Honors Program Statistics 2010–2011 </p>

<p>Honors Program Students 2350
2010–2011 First-Year Class 525
Average First-Year High School GPA 4.06
Average First-Year SAT 1471*
Middle-Range SAT 1440 – 1490 </p>

<p>Foundation Fellows (FF) 73
Average First-Year High School GPA 4.2
Average First-Year SAT 1553* </p>

<p>Ramsey Scholars (RS) 35
Average First-Year High School GPA 4.23
Average First-Year SAT 1551*
*Critical Reading and Math Sections Only </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>wow, i did not expect the SAT to be that high.</p>

<p>I have only a 1400 basic score. However my GPA is 4.6 with 13 AP’s (all 3’s or higher). and i am mildly involved in EC’s. (SGA, Beta, NHS, Academic Team, soon to be Eagle Scout)</p>

<p>I feel as if my Honors chances are still pretty high, am i right? and now i feel pretty hopeless about the FF!</p>

<p>phillipo: Don’t be discouraged. You have a great gpa and lots of AP’s. have you taken the ACT? My daughter did not quite make the 2% cut for Honors for EA, but was invited to apply and made it in March. I think the full application in her case helped highlight who she really is.</p>

<p>Agreed the stats for making FF are daunting. Everyone we met at the prospective Honors Day last fall that was a FF had perfect SAT scores. And with all of the budget cuts, they have been selecting far fewer FF and Ramsey Scholars than in years past. It doesn’t hurt to go ahead and apply though. You never know.</p>

<p>If I were you, I’d go ahead and apply EA (there has never been an easier application). If you make the cut for auto admit to Honors then, great! If not, the Honors application isn’t that hard. You should have a good chance of making it.</p>

<p>Here is another blurb from the Admissions website.</p>

<p>The 4,800 first-year students who begin class at UGA in August 2010 represent the most academically prepared entering class in UGA history. Some numbers have been rounded for clarity or consistency. If you want to know more about the class of 2014 take a look at these other interesting statistics.</p>

<p>Overall Enrollment
Overall Enrollment: 34,885
Undergraduate Enrollment: 26,142
First-Year Enrollment: 4,800 </p>


<p>2010 First-Year Applications
Applications Received: 17,475
Applicants Admitted: 10,239
New First-Year Students Enrolled: 4,800 </p>


<p>High School Core Grade Point Average
Middle 50% of All Enrolled First-Year Students: 3.68 - 4.0
Overall Average of All Enrolled First-Year Students: 3.83
Middle 50% of All Enrolled Honors Students: 3.99 - 4.18
Middle 50% of All Scholarship Students: 4.00 - 4.17 </p>


<p>Standardized Tests
SAT-I Middle 50% of Admitted First-Year Students: 1800 - 2080
SAT-I Middle 50% of Admitted First-Year Students (CR&M): 1190 - 1360
Overall SAT-I Average of Admitted First-Year Students: 1263
ACT Middle 50% of Admitted First-Year Students: 27 -31
Overall ACT Average for Admitted First-Year Students: 28
SAT-I Middle 50% of Admitted Honors Students (CR&M): 1430 - 1490
ACT Middle 50% of Admitted Honors Students: 31 - 33
SAT Middle 50% of Admitted Scholarship Students (CR&M):<br>
1390 - 1490
ACT Middle 50% of Admitted Scholarship Students: 30 - 33 </p>


<p>Honors and Scholarships
First-Year Students in the Honors Program: 520
First-Year Students Offered a UGA Academic Scholarship: 9%</p>