UGA vs Univ of Florida

This comparison has probably been done before, but I’d like to gear it again.

Daughter has EA applications to Ohio State and Maryland, and an accpetance to Pitt (with some merit $), but really she prefers to be in warm weather. Assuming she doesn’t get into her ED reach school (kind of expecting her not to), whoch of these warm weather big publics do you like better? UGA or UF? She has applied to honors colleges at both of those- would honors acceptances change anyone’s opinion?

I like Georgia even if giving 21 points…


Is either of those instate? What is her likely major?

Things to consider: UF does not guarantee housing for first year students. UF is an AAU school (top research university), UGA is not.

The AAU designation is not an important consideration. Students at UGA have access freshman year to cutting edge research.


What’s her intended major? Where does she want to work/live after college?

You might look at size of intro classes at each. It’s also my understanding that UF still has many intro classes as remote only…especially in business, but please fact check that.

As for honors colleges, you would have to compare benefits and see which appeals to her the most.

Is access or lack of access to women’s healthcare an issue at all?

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Has she visited both schools?

Honestly there is no need to decide yet. Apply and see what happens (ex. admission to honors program, merit aid etc.)


Is her major direct admit? Competitive? Holistic? That would be my first question at any public school.

You’re probably going to have to wait until Honors program admits come out to narrow any choices for publics.

My son is at FSU. It seems like the happier kids attend FSU. I’ve met parents who are UF grads but steered their kids to FSU. Similar comments from son’s friends. Academically UF probably has the better reputation. YMMV.

UGA is huge but seemed like a cooler place if that’s a thing. No bad choice here.

UGA is probably a little easier to get into than UF but both are very competitive. They are both big schools but very different towns Gainesville is a small town but Athens is much bigger (when we visited Athens we were told there was something like 100 bars in the downtown area).
I would definitely add FSU to your list though - the kids all love it there. They definitely have the happiest kids! My son included and I’m a UF alum he got into UF but chose FSU and is loving it!

Neither is in state.
Thinking poly sci.

Merit $ of course would be appreciated but not expected. We don’t expect financial aid.

She applied to FSU as well. I have heard kids are happy there. Thanks.

I have a son in the Honors College at UF. He is really enjoying his experience. He is engineering, and not business. One of his good friends is a business major and, last time we talked, he had not had a remote class.

I don’t know much about admissions at UGA. I do know that getting in to the Honors College at UF from out of state is very difficult.

I also don’t think there is any tangible difference in career possibilities (or outcomes) from attending one school over the other.

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I think both are solid for political science and they both have good honors colleges with long histories. What does she want to do with her pol sci degree? law school? what if she changes majors?

I think the big difference is the towns. Athens is one of the best college towns and a beautiful old campus across from downtown. Gainesville is nice but not quite the same, but the beach is close. I’d visit them and see which one she likes.

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Major? I would compare each school by her chosen major. My son got into both. Undergraduate business schools are ranked basically the same. Florida requires all students to attend school in the summer for one summer, which was a turn off. The undergrad business school has multiple early level classes that are not in person/online (even pre Covid) which was also a turn off. We are in state for UGA so UGA was free, vs OOS for Florida. I do think Florida is a slightly easier admit (we know several in state Georgia kids who didn’t get into UGA who got into Florida - strong students). Some of this may be they were from highly populated areas in Georgia which are more competitive for UGA than rural areas.

For realistic chances for UGA I would read the UGA admissions blog and calculate your child’s UGA GPA. A quick google search will tell you how to do that. They look at core classes only, and give weight to AP/IB only (none for honors or dual enrollment). They also look at ACT English and Math only. The Honors program usually publishes stats as well for their program. If you are above the 75% in all 3 categories (number of APs, UGA GPA, and ACT), chances are good you will be admitted EA but since applications are up so much this year not a guarantee.

My senior son has also applied to UGA and Florida but both are lower on his list. He is an engineer.

I think to make an informed decision you need to look not at the ranking for the entire school but for whatever program of study your child is interested in. There may also be other factors, such as if her major is direct admit or needs another application.


I believe FSU is better for poly sci than UF.
Apply to FSU honors and then I would definitely lean FSU honors over UF without honors if OOS.
And she’s much more likely ti get merit scholarship at FSU if she has good stats.
(I’m a UF alum.)


That is not our experience at all as in state Georgia residents. Know multiple kids who didn’t get into UGA in state who got into Florida OOS. No idea what the applications look like this year for Florida but UGA EA is up 21% over last year.

Gainesville is slightly larger than Athens but they are close in size. Athens does have a very vibrant downtown (with a lot of bars but not quite 100 I don’t think :slight_smile: - we live here) directly across from the University. One of my boys got into both but ruled Florida out before we visited so maybe Athens “feels” bigger.


One more thing about UF and housing. First year housing is not guaranteed as mentioned. For the best chance of getting it you need to fill out the housing form they send you after you submit your application (months before you are accepted) and pay the housing fee to get in line for housing. We didn’t realize this with my older child so who knows if he would have even gotten housing on campus.

UGA requires all freshmen to live on campus (very limited exceptions for local students who commute) and guarantees housing for them.


The current trend in Florida public schools is troubling. I would avoid them unless you really had no other options (like it is your instate school). They may survive, but is it worth the risk? U of Wisconsin was under a lot of pressure a few years ago but it looks like they may have survived. However, that attack was different.


That is interesting. Were these honors college applicants? The UGA Honors website lists an average SAT of 1503 and the UF Honors website lists a 75th percentile of 1490.

Agreed. Plus not guaranteeing housing for freshmen? I don’t care how hard it is to get in. I don’t respect a flagship that requires online classes for in-person students.