UH 120 class

<p>My son did get a UH120 class at bama bound. Any thoughts on how can add a section if they are closed? Will any more seats open up that he can grab down the road? Any thoughts? He does have a UH 101 and HY205 honors American civilization class already.</p>

<p>Does he want to change sections of the class he already has?..not sure what you are asking. You can only try for another section/class when registration times are open. Yes, more seats open up. They typically open up reg the 2nd day of the BB sessions, and some Saturdays (if memory serves me right). Note that you cannot register for the same class (but a differently section) unless you first drop out of the original section, if that makes sense. So, in the class reg screen, be quick to drop the CRN you don’t want…and be even quicker adding the CRN you do want! Some have suggested doing this late at night when they believe no one else (or very few people) are on the computer at the same time. Because, once you drop that class, anyone looking at it can grab it, and then if you can’t get your new class, you can’t go back and get the original one. Hope that makes sense!</p>

<p>Aeromom, that makes absolute sense. On the registration page you can add a class and drop a class at the same time.</p>

<p>Does anyone know what exactly is an UH 120 HYO Honors Connection class. At BamaBound one of the speakers mentioned that you should try and sign up for one of these classes if they are available. Is it possibly similar to GBA145 where it is more geared towards “College transitioning only for those in the Honors program”.</p>

<p>Honors Connection is a class organized by some upper-level honors students. The sections are big, but they break off into smaller groups of 7 or 8 which are led by other honors upperclassmen. You go over some of the basics of campus and get to know each other within your small group, with a few large group meetings throughout the semester. You do have to do a weekly journal, but it’s not a huge commitment. If you get good mentors, it’s a good class to take. Note well: since it’s a P/F class, it doesn’t count toward seminar hours.</p>

<p>Thanks TNTide5,
If it doesn’t count toward the seminar hours then what exactly does it count for. Are there tests or papers other than the journal to do or a final exam? My DS is already taking Alabama Action (pass/fail) and I think I read somewhere that only 2 pass/fail classes can be used towards Honors but how are they used?</p>

<p>They can be used toward the 18 honors hour graduation requirement. 6 must be seminar hours, and the rest can be pass/fail classes (up to 2 hours), departmental honors, CBH, graduate courses, or honors by contract (up to 6 hours). Not many UH classes your son would take in the future would be pass/fail. You can look over the requirements here: [Honors</a> Requirements | Honors College](<a href=“http://honors.ua.edu/academics/honors-requirements/]Honors”>http://honors.ua.edu/academics/honors-requirements/)</p>

<p>There are no tests in Honors Connection, but there is a final paper (maybe one or two pages, pretty informal). It’s really just a get-to-know-campus-and-each-other class.</p>

<p>Also, I’ll be a student leader for Alabama Action this year - I look forward to (hopefully) meeting your son! :)</p>