UH 120 Honors Connection

<p>Does anyone know anything about this class? How demanding? Does it meet for the entire semester? Worthwhile?</p>

<p>Here is the course description:</p>

<p>Honors Connection
Fall 2011
1 credit – P/F
Mentors provide freshmen students with academic insight, encourage them to take part in campus activities, and serve as a friend during their pivotal transition into college. Through the development of these relationships, this one-hour course seeks to further establish the Honors living-learning community.
These courses count ONLY toward the required 18 credit hours of honors courses</p>

<p>My older son was a Mentor for this one semester. I think it’s worth it for freshmen. I don’t think it meets the entire semester, but I do know that it meets at least thru October (maybe later) because I remember my son doing some kind of Halloween activity with his group. </p>

<p>It is not demanding.</p>

<p>Mentors are paired up and are given about 15 freshmen. They meet at least once a week and discuss various issues that typically come up with new students. They have periodic fun activities planned …such as bowling on Sunday afternoon.</p>

<p>That sounds fantastic! DS is already signed up for a Freshman Learning Community. Would y’all recommend this Connection course as well? Or do you think the FLC will be enough of an ice-breaker / transition?</p>