Uh-oh..app problem

<p>I can't believe this... I didn't realize that they want my English teacher to fill out the English Proficiency form. We're on vacation until the 5th of Jan but the postmark deadline is Jan 1st. I'm sooo doomed...</p>

<p>here's the catch...only ur online app must reach em by Jan 1st...ur teacher reccomandations and English prof can reach em later but not tooooo late. Call em up and tell em just to be sure.</p>

<p>The postmarked deadline is 1st Jan. However, dont fret - I had the same prob. Only diff was that my english teacher went on her holiday and forgot to return the form to my councellor. Since I was ED, and school reopened on the 7th Nov, I sent mine in on the 7th. HOWEVER, I ensured that my other materials were sent before the deadline. Besides, the english proficiency sheet is a mere formality - especially if your TOEFL and SAT scores are good.</p>

<p>The english proficiency form is waived if your SAT CR or writing score is above 670</p>

<p>oh ya, forgot about that - but only critical reading, not writing.</p>

<p>Hey, i thought that was only for TOEFL... i don't think thast for English Profeciency too</p>

<p>sry again - ya that's only for TOEFL. the english proficiency form is necessary.</p>

<p>Well it must be for the english proficiency form too, because as soon as they got my SAT scores entered into the system, they waived my TOEFL and the english proficiency form</p>

<p>Yeah, on the self-service thing, they told me the English proficiency form was waived for me because of my SAT score, even though I had sent it.</p>

<p>Your application, in general, can be late without reprocussions. If one form is missing, that's even less of a problem. Just send it late...if you want to, adding a little note of apology (be respectful, not a grovelling slob thogh) might be nice. It won't hurt your chances. Things get lost all the time; if you never send it, they'll probably assume it's their fault and ask you to "send it again." So yeah, as long as the bulk of your app is in, it's really nothing to worry about.</p>