<p>I recently registered for one of those information sessions that the colleges hold; this one was with duke, upenn, harvard, and georgetown, hosted by georgetown in princeton. however, i was unable to attend due to mitigating circumstances (though which i won't mention). i was wondering if all four colleges would have access to my name and note my failure to arrive? do they keep a record of these? could it POSSIBLY influence their outlook on me?</p>
<p>Relax. I seriously doubt they will keep track.</p>
<p>Yes, I think it will play a very large role in influencing their decisions.</p>
<p>=p i sense the unnecessary sarcasm. but i was seriously worried for a moment..
thank you though, scipio! =) <-- rhymes.. ? XD</p>
<p>No... FreshElephant is not joking. It happened to me.</p>
<p>The information session I went to, they took attendance of everybody who was there and they were checking it off into a computer, so they might use that...and I heard one of the people who was recording names grumble about applicants that aren't passionate about their applications but send it in just for the sake of it because of the common app...</p>
<p>You probably should have gone to the info session... maybe now you could just look for a alternate schools to apply to? Probably the schools on the west coast might not share all the information, I think your best bet is to apply to one of the UCs, I know that they don't like to automatically reject students because of the blacklists</p>
<p>Yup, you just lost all your chances for Ivy league admissions. Good job.. at least the others have a better chance now.</p>
<p>=O this is serious? i think i'm going to call the admission office for harvard tomorrow and check up on that.. well thanx for the info guys =/ wow i'm really nervous now. let's see what happens and what the colleges have to say about this. i'll share the info later.</p>
<p>dude they r sarcastic. Damn it. I can't believe u fell for that LOL</p>
<p>hahaha what a bunch of jerks.</p>
<p>If I were you, I would change my name and move to another state. But you know, they probably gather all instances of name changes ..</p>
<p>name change? i think this calls for the entire witness protection program, new name, new job, sex change and maybe, just maybe, a ...</p>
<p>xP BLEEEEH you guys suck haha it is kind of funny now though.. =) well at least i'm smiling and it made my day. lol i was having a bad night -.- OOOOH IT KIND OF FEELS LIKE FAMIIIIILY!?!? <em>HUGS EVERYONE ANYWAY!!!!!!!!</em> ONWARD WE MARCH!</p>
<p>lol what threw me off was EVERYONE and it wasn't Overly exaggerated >< especially river phoenix!!</p>
<p>its hard to sense sarcasm on the internet lol</p>
<p>haha xD @.@ didn't want to leave it at that number so i MUST post!! <em>somewhat superstitious</em></p>
<p>No, I got the same invitation last year. They get your name when you score well on your PSATs. A lot of schools would licit possible appilcants based solely on your PSAT scores (remember checking off the box that said yes you want your information made public to recruiters and colleges?). But I'm almost sure that it has nothing to do with your actual application and won't definitely change the way the admissions committee look at you. It simply means that your stats are what those schools are looking for, but it doesn't guarantee anything.</p>
<p>thank you for the info! =) it's really a relief and now possibly good news!</p>
<p>omgosh! i just keep making stupid mistakes!! georgetown sent me a letter saying that etc. etc. applications and materials will be mailed in spring 2006 but like.. there's one line in there that says so you do not need to send a request twice. ! but i did!! are they sending me that letter because i requested it twice? it was definitely a template though so.. does it mean it was just a um some sort of early preparation letter, or rather it's one that's sent to all people who request it twice? @.@ why do i keep doing stupid things?</p>
<p>Uh Oh... stop worrying, THAT's stupid</p>
<p>I'm sure that's fine--they are not going to notice. You need to stop stressing over the small details. Trust me, when the wait begins the stress multiples a hundred times, so take it easy for now.</p>