uh oh... uc app. submitted, wierd spacing on essays

<p>This sucks...
I submitted my UC application today, essays and all, and after I submitted there was some wierd spacing between lines and it doesn't look too organized and all messy :-/...
Anyone else had this happen?

<p>Yea, it's not just you. Happened to me too, and I tried to fix it so many times, but it can't be helped. It's just how the thing work. But good news: when I tried to print it, despite the wierd spacing, it came out okay. :) Take heart.</p>

<p><em>sigh</em> So I guess I'm not the only one :-P
Anyone else in the same shoes? </p>

<p>So yeah.. after reviewing the whole thing, not only did I find the wierd spacing, but also 2 typoes :( small ones... but still ... </p>

<p>Anyone who hasen't submitted theirs yet, read over carefully!</p>




<p>Who else?</p>

<p>Ps- by wierd spacing, for example it kind of just put a word randomly by itself on its own line.. and then a sentence followed it.. it just broke things up wierdly</p>