Uhg... Chances?

<p>I've faced issues all throughout high school, so therefore my grades have suffered likewise. I'm hardly pulling a 3.1 weighted (3.0 not weighted). I'm involved highly in the band program, except for junior year of course (still in band, first chair tuba, but didn't do anything outside of school band this year like last two years)... I've yet to take ACT and SAT, so I have no idea what I'd get on those, but given my GPA, are my chances dramatically decreased?</p>

<p>Unfortunately a 3.0 puts you in the bottom 11% for admission (section C11 of the Common Data Set). <a href=“http://www.lclark.edu/livewhale/download/?id=3078[/url]”>http://www.lclark.edu/livewhale/download/?id=3078&lt;/a&gt; If you look at section C7 you’ll see that GPA is very important, with class rigor and ethnic status (interesting - I hadn’t noticed that before). If you are a URM that might balance the grades out. Hopefully you’ll do well on your ACT/SAT because the 50% range for those is pretty high.</p>

<p>Ah, no luck on URM. Unless white girls are suddenly uncommon. </p>

<p>Gotta love psych issues and at-home issues that screw with grades, aye? :D</p>