UIC transfer to University of Chicago Computer Science?!

Hello! I have a few quick questions. I’m planning on attending CC for about a year and then transfer into UIC to complete Freshman and sophomore year in Computer Science. After this, I’m going to try to transfer into either U of C or UIUC. I know those are really tough schools to tranfer into. Especially if I want to get into the CS programs there. But I am determined to work really hard since U of C was my dream school. It’s just too bad that my skills for ACT and SAT were not so good. But anyways, for those who were able to transfer to either of these schools from UIC, what did you do to make it to that level? What type extra curricular activities should I complete? Tips from other students would be appreciated too. Thanks!!

(NOTE: I may post this on the U of C forum as well to get advice from others as well)

To get into UIUC CS, complete as many prerequisites as possible (missing more than 1 course will probably close the door), also try to get a near 4.0 GPA. (3.5 was the average for fall 2014, 3.8 was for fall 2015, I wonder how much it will raise this fall). They don’t really care about for EA. For U of Chicago, you need SAT and ACT to transfer. If you like the idea of schools like U of Chicago, consider Northwestern. They have a better engineering program than U of Chicago.