UIS (CAP Honor) Student vs UIC (2nd Semester Freshman for Honors College) Student

So here is my dilemma. Just today (April 30th, 2018) I got an email roughly around 3:30 pm that tells me that I was accepted into UIS as an Honors Student, something that seems beneficial to me. (I will be having the Biology (Pre-Med) major).

However, I WANT to go to UIC, and both of my parents agree with me, but they also told me that it is better for me to decide between the two universities. Since tomorrow is National Decision Day, and since the admission form is required to be submitted on that day, well, I am kind of panicking because of it.

Also, I am planning to apply to UIC’s Honor College AFTER the first semester as a freshman there so that in the second semester I (probably not, but optimistically) be attending as a UIC Honor Student.

Therefore, with all of this considered, which do you think is better for me?

I would say UIC, only because I hold a bias since I accepted my offer there and I will be an Honors student. I will enroll as a sophomore. UIC has (in my opinion) a better option for Pre-Med students because of its location, being by the medical district. Most of the student body there is in some type of STEM/Medicine program, so there an idea of the environment. The honors situation is not much of a guaranteed though. UIS does seem to have a similar honors program to UIC, but if you are worried so much about the honors I would go with UIS. If you are leaning more towards the options for medical, I would go to UIC because of the location and student body.

Okay, thank you. How is Honors College working out for you? Like are you stressed like 24/7 about keeping up your GPA or is it actually fun? Was it worth it?