UIUC Class of 2026 Discussion

No, rejected from my second choice major also, which was electrical engineering.

My son got in for CS+Linguistics - CA resident, 3.8UW, 4.3W, decent ECs in CS, worked at coderschool (2 summers)and Eagle scout


Ah…two very tough majors. You are clearly qualified. UIUC is just so hard for those areas.
I’m sure you have other offers and will do well wherever.


Does anyone know the acceptance rate from the wait-list for CS major? Thanks.

S22 gets accepted to CS + Astronomy. Very excited for him. Is it possible to transfer to CoE from LAS? Thanks.


My child was accepted for Applied Health Sciences.
3.98/4.5 uw/w
8 to 10 AP classes

Congratulations to those who were accepted.
To those who were not, you all seem extremely well qualified. There is a certain amount of randomness in this process, esp. this year. You are seeing it. You will do great wherever you are at.


DS22 - Accepted to Grainger
US citizen
International High School -India
1520 / Decent ECs


Accepted but not to first choice major. My son applied to Aerospace Engineering in Grainger but got Chemical Engineering in Arts and Sciences. Already accepted to FYE at Purdue, UMd, GaTech and VaTech so not getting into Grainger is probably a deal breaker for him. OOS public school, 1480 SAT (800 math), 94 GPA UW, NHS, highest level of APs/rigor in the school (5 on BC calc junior year) and doing an independent study in differential equations as a senior ,3 season athlete (captain of hockey team as a junior/senior) and all-state in two sports, decent volunteerism, and almost completed all his hours for his private pilot’s license.


I think it is very difficult for anyone to transfer into CoE at UIUC. They even addressed this at one of the info sessions we went to.

Second part is for OOS…max is $10k / year renewable up to 4 years


I’ve seen it before with similarly qualified students. UIUC does balance its demographics. Asian male is the toughest. White male is the second. There really isn’t much rhyme or reason to it.

I dont know just for CS but in general :

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Is DGS general studies? If so, that is pretty unbelievable.

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Believe it! Yes, Department of General Studies (i.e., Undeclared). She couldn’t choose anything she was interested in as a 2nd choice (like iSchool), so she chose DGS. I’m pretty pissed she was waitlisted for that to be honest. Oh well!

CS +Advertising??? Wow–all these computer science related majors. Congratulations!

Daughter accepted BioEngineering. In State. Anyone else accepted for Bioengineering?


He won’t go wrong with either one. I assume UIUC is far cheaper for you since he is in-state. Congrats on having a good problem.

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@aspirationalmom , thanks for the response. Very useful.

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I am hearing similar results for kids from S22’s high school. Looks like pure CS is extremely tough even for those with stellar stats such as yours.

Yup, asian boy is what I have lol. I do think there’s some randomness to it. Our high school sends many students to UIUC each year and there definitely are admitted students with much weaker profiles both academically and EC wise. Oh well, it is what it is.

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