UIUC Class of 2026 Discussion

DS accepted to CS in Grainger College of Engineering
4.0 UW, 4.46 W
9 APs
Advanced Math courses outside of school
ECs: Passion projects in CS, Blogs, Paid internship, Club founder, NGO, Teaches in coding school


Don’t beat yourself up. It’s just tough.

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It’s because Gies takes about 800 kids per year. Kelley takes 2500 and Ohio State takes 2000. The Gies school is small…like Ross. So it’s very hard to get into. Staying in Kelley is another story but getting in isn’t that hard.

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How many students enroll each year for CS? Website shows 1k students but not sure this is for 4 years total or just first year CS students ? Not including CS+Major or + CS

Website says the 1,000 number is undergrad enrollment, so all 4 years combined.

Use this report for headcount by major. For CS in Grainger '21-22, there are 1260 undergrads, including 154 first years. There are more juniors and seniors because of transfers, although going forward no intercollege CS transfers will be allowed. Only transfer students from CCs or other 4 year colleges will be allowed to choose CS. This report shows all major headcounts, including each of the CS + X majors.


Edited with correct link


When we visited Purdue and did the info session, they were adamant that it’s not a competition to get your major. As long as you have a 3.2, you are guaranteed the major you want. This was a relief for our son, especially since he’s torn between mechanical and aeronautical. As long as he keeps the 3.2 or higher, he’ll have a year to learn more and decide what’s a better fit for him.

Cost is going to be a big factor for our family. Need to wait a few more weeks to get financial aid from UIUC. Both are amazing schools :slight_smile:

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How difficult is it to switch majors within Grainger? Specifically, from another engineering major to Computer Engineering.

Not sure but switching from EE to CE is likely to be easier than switching from another Engg major. Generally CE, ME, EE are hard to switch into but the guidelines are not very clear.

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Anyone know how difficult it is to declare a major in a program you weren’t admitted to? My son was admitted to the division of general studies but believes he will want to pursue kinesiology in the college of applied health sciences. Seems as though this isn’t as competitive as something like Engineering or CS, but still want to make sure since their verbiage is that this will “require an application and is not guaranteed”. Any advice appreciated!

I have read somewhere that if major is not competitive then the application is a formality

Very helpful and hope that’s the case!

Did you end up getting into purdue?

Nope D22 got rejected.
She did get invitation to apply to Purdue NW ( other Purdue campus) but we did not apply

why does it say 2002 ?

That stinks, I’m sure you have other great options tho!

yield protection

So after reading a second email that showed up… and going to this link… I believe it says he is waitlisted for his first choice major even if he declines General Studies offer. So we declined and moved on. There is no information about his 2nd choice major EE… or record of it that I can see.

Accepted to:
Texas A&M (General Engineering)(Most likely choice if no UIUC)
University of Wisconsin (Mechanical Engineering)
University of Minnesota (Engineering)

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Ugh. Linked to the wrong report. Here is the correct one, I will also edit my previous post.

Grainger comp sci enrollment Fall 2021 First year: 154 Second: 243 Third: 305 Fourth: 558


Lots of other data accessible from this page: Student Enrollment

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Yes we do. Thanks