UIUC Class of 2026 Discussion

Does anyone know when we might learn about honors admission and merit aid? I might have missed the notification?

Agree, we are in-state as well (so is my friend’s son). I just don’t think Illinois has the state funding to offer guaranteed admission like UT does, for instance. They need those OOS students who want Grainger and Gies.

Good luck to your daughter. There are so many really great options out there. I’m sure she’ll land in a fantastic place, and perhaps Illinois, in the end. I’m an alum (just college of media, nothing STEM!) and I do think it’s a wonderful place to spend four years. That being said, my own D21 chose a small LAC in Ohio over Illinois and is very happy with her choice.


Yep short sided for the state of IL.

I would like to see these stats:
How many Residents applied and were accepted to Grainger?
How many OOS applied and were accepted to Grainger?
How many International applied and were accepted to Grainger?


UT guarantees the top 6% to the university only but not the major, anyone ranked lower than 2% in my school have little chance to get in UT Austin CS. not sure about the private school. so the guarantees means nothing basically.

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The top x% guarantees are not a sustainable approach. In CA, we have a top 9% guarantee to a UC. But it’s almost always to the lowest ranked UC and even within that a major like CSE might not be guaranteed. Unless schools expand class/major sizes it’s an impossible objective to meet.

In TX, I think there are well over 300k high school graduates each year. 6% of that is 18k. Assuming about 20% of those want to apply for engineering then you need 4.5k seats. Can you imagine the mathematical impossibility given the popularity of UT Austin and CS?


He will make it big, don’t worry. Did he apply to other schools like MIT, CMU, Stanford etc? Based off of last year’s stats from some of our known kids who applied to UIUC, we took the suggestion and applied Math+CS which probably worked out better for my D.

The top X% may not be sustainable, but under TX state law, 90% of first-year students must be in-state residents compared to the UIUC freshman acceptance rates of 70% for resident, 60% OOS, and 54% International. UIUC enrolled freshman make up is 75% resident… Grainger freshman class is only 55% resident.

I guess with everyone leaving IL they need less engineers.

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Thank you! Congratulations to your daughter! Really nice. We’ll probably apply that for our younger son :slight_smile: He did apply to all these and we are waiting for the results. So far he got a few successes.


In TX do they require the 90% at the major level. I fully support states prioritizing in state residents at their public universities. As a CA parent, this has been a hot topic given the same dynamics we see where most top programs have basically 50%-60% in state students.

I would imagine no (by major), but I would think if you have to get a class that is 90% in-state, then the swings inside would not be as bad Grainger with 55% resident or the same problem you have in CA with top state schools. I think we are pretty much in agreement on the focus of state schools should be on growing the state before OOS/International interests. I think there is a balance, but depending on where someone sits they might believe it should be balanced differently.

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So was my son, congrats!

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Im also wondering the same thing.


Website says mid-March.

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Financial aid mid-March, Honors after admission and by April 1


My daughter was waitlisted at UIUC and she was quite shocked. She got into Tulane and University of Minnesota with the same stats and she applied as a Psych major which we thought wasn’t competitive.

She called admissions so she can fill out the Decision Appeal form and she learned the form is basically for admitted students who were admitted with their alternate major and want to attend UIUC with their first choice.

The admissions counselor literally said it was a “waste of time” for my daughter to fill out the form and filling it out wouldn’t affect her chances of admission.

Wow, she got into Tulane and not UIUC?! That’s crazy. Mine was deferred from Tulane and admitted to UIUC. This admissions process is so strange! Tulane was not their top choice, but was hoping for it to be a contender by now. Except for that steep price tag!

It’s all about the $$$$$. Illinois needs those OOS and international tuition bucks, and Grainger is what brings them in. The school has expanded with CS + X majors to help a bit.

I’m late to post, but thought I should add my S’s stats for perspective. He was admitted with solid, but not amazing, stats to a non-CS/Engineering major:

Global Studies (1st Choice)
SAT 1420
GPA 3.6 UW / 4.5 W
6 AP classes (scored 4 on all tests so far)
Probably below average EC
Probably above average essay


For admitted students is there a forum to discuss next steps? Campus visit days etc?

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I saw this on their website, but based on this, I’m not sure how others are being offered their second choice major in an Admit decision! I also read elsewhere that in-state students are given preference for second choice majors. Does anyone know what the stepped hierarchy of admit first choice, WL first choice and admit to second choice, and this campus WL are?

### How do I know which major I’m wait listed for?

If your decision is “Offered Wait List,” we’re offering you the wait list for your first-choice major. If your decision is “Offered Campus Wait List,” we weren’t able to place you on the wait list for your first-choice major. Instead, we’re offering you the wait list for your second-choice major, the Division of General Studies, and alternate majors related to your academic interest. You may be offered admission to one of these options depending on where space becomes available.