UIUC Class of 2026 Discussion

The timing may also have coincided with the start of the CS+X majors in LAS. I doubt they would have had over 3 times as many students in Senior year as in Freshman without there being a calculated change.

See this from the “Admitted” FAQs. It looks like she would still be considered waitlisted for her first choice.

What does it mean if I wasn’t admitted to my first-choice major? Can I eventually transfer to that program once I’m on campus?

You were strongly considered for your first choice; however, we simply didn’t have room for all qualified applicants. You’re still considered wait listed for your first choice. If space becomes available in this major later on, we’ll let you know even if you’ve declined your offer.

We strongly encourage you to stick with the major you were admitted into after enrolling at UIUC. If you’re interested in transferring to another program, we recommend you work with your academic advisor to learn the requirements and timeline needed to do so. If you were admitted into the Division of General Studies (DGS), you’ll work with an advisor to craft a unique schedule and declare a major before your junior year.

In the waitlist FAQs there is a mention of a Campus Waitlist that includes WL for second choice major. Does this sound right- there is a FC major denied/ WL but admit to SC major. And then there is no admit to either first or second choice majors, but WL to this campus WL.

Someone had posted about this Campus WL earlier in this thread

curious about stats? I got denied :smiling_face_with_tear:

Hoping this means I’m a competitive applicant off the waitlist…

In-state, UW 4.0, W4.46, ACT 34, multiple APs (my school doesn’t offer very many), I was told I had good essays and I have many leadership positions and honors during high school.

I got accepted into Biochem, going to contact the department and ask what my options are.

You have great stats. i am not familiar with how the waitlist works at UIUC.

Good luck !

Could anyone offer some insight on the cs + chemistry program here?

I’m interested in various future career paths, among them being in academia researching computational biology / bioinformatics. I was wondering whether the cs + chem program would be a good fit.

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I’m in the same boat about career paths. I know that bioengineering has a computational biology path, and uiuc offers a bioinformatics master’s.

Anyone out there have experience with the engineering program? Maybe have an older child/sibling attending? I would just love some feedback on academics, dorms (especially recommendations for engineering), living learning communities, internships, and study abroad experiences.


Hi, can anyone tell us anything about Bioengineering at UIUC? DS got accepted to UT Austin BME and UIUC Bioengineering. Looking at the curriculum for BME at UT, it seems more traditional EE/ME based field whereas Bioengineering at UIUC seems more flexible with specialized paths and has courses in computational/programming based subjects. It also appears more easier in UIUC to combine with CS/IT based or business minors.
However I have heard UT Engineering has great job/internship prospects (they definitely touted it when we visited last week). How does UIUC compare in this?
Any insight is helpful as these are our top choices right now while we wait for some of the reach schools. Thanks!

Would you be able to list your child’s stats? I’m curious :grinning:

+1 for this request!

Sure! Decent public school OOS both places. 3.9 UW /4.2 W; 12 APs (mix of stem, history, bio); 1510 SAT; ok ECs but most related to his interest area (biology/biomedical). I believe his essays were well-written and tied all his ECs, background, interests well together. Probably helped as he also got admitted to Purdue FYE, UMD, UF Honors etc.

My S19 is a junior. He picked Scott Hall based on feedback from CC and Facebook pages. He liked it there as the Gym was just across the street, campus bus stop 1 min away, Peoria charter stop 3 mins away. He has since then lived in apartments even closer to the Engineering Quad (but a 10 min walk to the Peoria charter stop).

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My son is in the same boat. He applied to aero and got chemical engineering. It seems like you are automatically waitlisted for your first choice even if you decline the admission for your second choice. Now we need to figure out if it even makes sense to go visit and check out the school for his second choice. We live in NH so we would have to fly out and hadn’t had the chance to visit up to this point.
He just got this email " Congratulations on your acceptance into Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)!
We are excited to inform you that you have been selected to attend a unique two-day program for high-achieving admitted students on March 25-26th, 2022 . The Illinois Host Program provides you and your parents/guardians with a number of opportunities to learn more about our exciting program and meet current and future Chemical Engineering students." So apparently he’s considered high achieving by chemical engineering standards but not enough to get aero as a major. :confused: He’s already been accepted to some great schools for FYE (Purdue, GT, VT and UMd) but he’s heard great things about UIUC…

Daughter just got the acceptance package in mail today with formal acceptance letter, other relevant info like housing and some stickers!


We just signed up for the UIUC S.I.T.E. visit for Grainger Engineering. It seems like such a unique opportunity for students to really get a feel for the university! For anyone on the fence, you may want to look into it.


How is the Chemistry program at UIUC? We are trying to compare with UMichigan, Madison and Northwestern? Illinois resident and happy with UIUC but is it worth spending OOS to attend Michigan or Madison?


I mean Northwestern would probably be the best of those, But I know nothing about my Michigan. My kid was not allowed to apply there. Ohio State fans LOL. However, last time I checked, Illinois was ranked in top 20 of the country for chemistry. Madison is also
Really good! I don’t think you can go wrong with any of them to be honest.