UIUC Class of 2026 Discussion

Has anyone been to Illini days? We are going today.

I haven’t been, but S22 is going to the Engineering SITE visit this Thursday and Friday. I hope you enjoy the event today!

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We attended one and found it to be really helpful.

Please be sure to report back; we’re registered for one in early April. (Pending a few additional admissions decisions elsewhere.)


It was really worth it in our opinion. It was well organized and something that they did which we haven’t Seen in some other schools is they break out into sessions in your school and then into each department. We went to chemistry where we had a discussion with an adviser, the dept head and professor and a senior in that major. That really gave students and parents a chance to learn more about the program and students were able to ask as many questions as they wanted. There were opportunities to visit housing, eat at ISR, talk to financial aid and tour the campus. It was a great experience.

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Second this. We attended yesterday’s Admitted Illini Day as well, and the department level sessions were great. We got to attend the Industrial Engineering presentation with the director of the undergraduate program, and that was very helpful.

Hi!! What did you think about the chemistry department? We visited Illinois, but not with an official tour yet.

Top notch

So are you thinking UIUC is it ? We really are pushing for it (especially since she got a grant) but it’s probably number 2 or 3 realistically. Sigh. Glad you liked it !

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She knew how highly it’s ranked but meeting people in the department and being able to have that conversation with them really was a very positive experience. Uiuc is very diverse and the campus had a lot of positive energy. People are friendly and willing to help. Still waiting on northwestern but UIUC is definitely a top choice now.

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My S22 got the same feeling from UIUC. He did a summer engineering program there and loved it. He said the people are very welcoming, and the school has an upbeat atmosphere. He said they take the work seriously, but not themselves. He felt UIUC places a good amount of focus on the overall well-being and mental health of their students. They have an embedded counselor specifically for each degree program. And while being #5 in aerospace engineering is what led him to apply, the overall feel and fit is leading him to commit.


Mine is waiting on Northwestern as well, but it’s a BIG reach for my daughter so we are not holding our breath or really keeping it in the equation.

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Yeah northwestern is a reach for ours too but once the decision is out thr waiting game is over.

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For the in-person visit, Is there a big difference between attending the Illini day vs a regular admitted student event? They don’t seem to have any Illini day during our spring break.

The great thing about Illini days is that you get to have a breakout session with your specific major, not just your college. For us that meant we got to sit down with the head of academic advising for aerospace engineering, not all of engineering. There was so much great information in a small setting that is as major specific (we only had like 12 people in ours). I’m not sure if they do that at the other events, but that alone made the whole program worth it.

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Regular day is just like a walk around the campus showing you around. I would suggest reaching out to the department and see if you can arrange a meeting with dept advisor for any department specific Q you may have. For placements and salary stats, their web site is up to date on salaries/companies/graduation stats.

They seem to have Grainger school of engineering talk in the afternoon every day in April. Are you saying Illuni day they have additional major specific session like Computer Science department under Grainger which is not available on other days? I understood from some phone call the only difference between Illuni day and non Illuni day is you get to hear from housing and college/career counseling. Maybe that was not accurate info ?

They have a Grainger department talk everyday in April. Let me call and confirm if there is a difference between Illuni day and other days for this talk. Yes, I did look at all salaries/companies online.

Purdue is in the running for my nephew. Can you elaborate on the likelihood of getting your major in engineering? He has been admitted to computer engineering. If he satisfies all the prerequisites and GPA requirements, is it guaranteed? Or is there still a possibility he won’t get it? His other options have guaranteed acceptance so he’s trying to figure out if he should keep Purdue in the running. Any insight appreciated!