<p>Could someone please rank the different colleges of UIUC from easiest to hardest? (in terms of chances of getting accepted?) UIUC is my brother's dream school, he is currently a junior, and wants some info on the different colleges. Thanks!</p>
<p>Go here to see typical middle 50% ranges, test scores and class rank, for each of the colleges: [U</a> of I Admissions: Freshman Admission Requirements](<a href=“http://admissions.illinois.edu/apply/requirements_freshman.html]U”>Page Not Found, Illinois Undergraduate Admissions)</p>
<p>Now the caveats. Business, though it is only the second highest stat wise is the most difficult to get into and has an acceptance rate in the low to mid 40% range (all others are well above 50% except for performing arts where talent is a key issue). Engineering, which has the highest middle 50% range, actually has one the highest admission rates, often in the 70% range (simple fact is that vast majority who actually apply have those very high stats). ACES (agricultural, consumer, and environmental sciences) most often has the lowest 50% range but is not that easy to get in as it is keen on idenitfying and rejecting those it believes are just trying to apply to ACES because their stats are low and really intend to transfer to another college. LAS admits the most people and is usually in the 66% and above admission range. However, the middle 50% ranges shown are for the college as a whole and they vary within the college; for example, sciences and math usually have higher middle 50% ranges, Chemical Engineering which is in LAS really follows the engineering college for stats needed, as does physics for which you get an LAS degree but the physics department is actually in the engineering college. The same concept applies to the Fine Arts college because performing arts are not easy to get into and neither is its school of architecture for which usual 50% range is higher than otherwise shown. Division of General Studies (DGS) is probably one the easiest to get into; if you apply undecided that is the one you are applying to but it is also the alternative choice that is offered to many who are rejected for their first choice in the other colleges and thus why it is “easiest” (and that is qualified because nothing is truly easy).</p>
<p>Generally an applicant should apply for what he thinks he actually wants to apply for and then check box that allows him to be considered for DGS as alternative choice</p>
<p>Drusba, or anyone, can you tell me where one can find the acceptance rates for each college?</p>
<p>“for example, sciences and math usually have higher middle 50% ranges,”</p>
<p>Also, please tell where one can get the detail of the ACT scors of majors suggested by the quote.</p>
<p>no responses to the emails sent to uiuc admissions yet on these questions.</p>
<p>hmm shouldnt engineering me one of the hardest to get into, because its probably the best department at UIUC?</p>
<p>As drusba alluded to, it has the highest acceptance rate because the applicants are somewhat self-selective. By that, I mean that there are very few unqualified people who apply compared to the other departments, so while there are a bunch of people who just toss the College of Business their apps regardless of their qualifications, the group of students who send apps to the College of Engineering typically isn’t as huge or random. I am sure that if you live in the state of Illinois, you have heard kids around school say that they would apply to UIUC for Engineering but they don’t think there is any way that they would get in. I know I heard that when I was in high school. Since it is the best known program, the admissions requirements are the best known, so the applicant pool helps weed itself out before the admissions committee has to.</p>
<p>You are probably better off looking at the admissions websites for each department you are interested in. There are simply too many departments for the University’s Office of Admissions and Records to post them all up. Check specific departments and you may have more luck.</p>
<p>from the UIUC link posted by drusba… note that engineering has the highest mid 50 ACT scores of the students admitted into engineering.</p>
<p>"Some programs within a college may admit at a more competitive level.</p>
<p>Middle 50% of Students College ACT Score SAT Score High School Class Rank
ACES 25 - 30 1700 - 1960 82% - 94%
AHS 25 - 30 1610 - 1920 84% - 95%
AVI 24 - 29 1590 - 1960 76% - 93%
BUS 28 - 32 1860 - 2080 91% - 98%
EDU 25 - 28 1620 - 1940 82% - 94%
ENG 30 - 33 1920 - 2150 92% - 98%
FAA 25 - 31 1740 - 2030 81% - 95%
DGS 25 - 30 1730 - 2010 82% - 94%
LAS 27 - 32 1860 - 2110 88% - 97%
Media 27 - 31 1800 - 2040 87% - 96%
Campus 27 - 32 1840 - 2100 86% - 97% "</p>
<p>Another stat that underscores bonehead’s selectivity stmt is the fact that (UG) in state enrollment (university wide) is <em>93 %</em>. With only 7 pct coming from out of state, I suspect that it might be harder to get in to ENG from out of state; (there might be a lower acceptance rate).</p>
<p>"Student Body Profile
Total Enrollment: 30,895
Female: 46.96%
Out of State: 7% "</p>
<p>from <a href=“College Search | Find Colleges | The Princeton Review”>College Search | Find Colleges | The Princeton Review;
<p>I hope I get better responses from soliciting individual colleges at UIUC. Maybe budget cuts let the <em>university level</em> admissions personnel go. I’d put a smiley face here if it were funny.</p>
<p>It isn’t that it is harder to get into as an out of state student, it’s just that there are much fewer OoS applicants and the admissions requirements are not as well known. An in-state student would not be admitted over a more qualified out-of-state student.</p>
<p>Also, engineering has a much higher percentage of non-resident students than does the university as a whole.</p>
<p>(sorry for double post. The iPhone site doesn’t allow editing)</p>