<p>Ypu’re really iffy. and especially since you want to go into pre-med. You’re Weighted GPA is really low. not much higher than your uw GPA which means u didn’t challenge yourself and that’s the number 1 think U of I looks at is how rigourous the classes are that you took. or you took them and didn’t do well in them.</p>
<p>Whether or not you are premed has no bearing on whether or not you will be accepted. The designation of “premed” in your profile just helps with advising once you are accepted. Are you looking at the spec chem or the science and letters curriculum? You probably have a reasonable chance for the science and letters curriculum, maybe not spec chem.</p>
<p>Since you are in your junior year, I would say that you should really work on getting excellent grades this year. The grades from this year are what the admissions board will give the most weight to. The only other piece of advise I can give you is what you hear all the time… make sure your essays are great and stand out. Write about something personal that you are passionate about.</p>
<p>Your SAT score of 2030 is about the equivalent of a 31 on the ACT. Your course rigor (10 honors, 2 APs) is hard to interpret because that will be compared to what others from your high school have taken. The main issue is that you haven’t stated what your rank is in your class. If your HS doesn’t rank, then you will undergo special processing. Although I’m not privy to exactly what happens there, I’m assuming that it allows admissions to come up with an estimated class rank.</p>
<p>The middle 50% of those admitted to LAS last year had SATs of 1890-2110 and ranked from the top 14% to the top 3% of their High School class. As far as premed-type majors, I’d say Chemistry’s middle 50% of those admitted would be near the higher end of the LAS Selectivity Range.</p>
<p>I think you’ll have a very good change of getting in. You have a lot of ECs and volunteering, and your GPA isn’t bad. You’ll have a good chance. Good luck!</p>