<p>This is basically USA vs CANADA for me...</p>
<p>I am an international student who lived in USA for many years so I feel like I need to go back and most of my friends go to the states as well so I feel the need to as well...mainstream.</p>
<p>I got accepted to UBC Sauder (business) and tuitions around 40k. I got accepted to UIUC with social work major but I am planning to transfer to business, economics, or engineering and tuition is around 45k.</p>
<p>My parents like both schools so they are willing to pay both tuitions...so I just need to choose which school to attend.</p>
<p>Basically...the things I am unsettled about is reputation. I know UBC is one of the top in Canada and considered highly in the world...BUT UIUC is high in USA and the world as well. And in the end, UIUC seems to have the upperhand in reputation overall. My parents told me to consider a pride issue too...IF I go to UBC and cases where people ask me where I attend and they don't know UBC, especially in the states but they know UIUC...I might regret going to UBC. The thing is...I REALLY DONT KNOW...maybe I should go to UIUC. Just one thing holding me back is...what if I cant transfer?</p>
<p>I know theyre both great schools and I would probably enjoy both experiences...but I think I might regret not choosing UIUC for its prestige, sports, and experience.</p>
<p>UBC has much higher prestige than UIUC. Not sure why you think UIUC has great prestige outside CS. It’s really not that high. Certainly not for social work - and transferring to business or economics, and even less so engineering, is less than sure if not impractical (selective programs + courses don’t match so you’d have to retake a lot of classes).
Now, UIUC is not a bad university - UIUC, just among public universities:
<a href=“http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/rankings/national-universities/top-public/spp+50”>http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/rankings/national-universities/top-public/spp+50</a>
Among all national universities:
<a href=“http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/rankings/national-universities/spp+50”>http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/rankings/national-universities/spp+50</a>
UBC is like Canada’s Berkeley. I’m not sure why you think UIUC has more prestige. Perhaps in your country but certainly not in the US or in North America.
As for what random people know or don’t… don’t worry about them. Those who pay attention to basketball and football may not know UBC, but graduate schools and employers will. </p>
<p>This was so encouraging! I am actually leaning heavily towards UBC and you just made it even more firm
thanks! @MYOS</p>