UIUC vs UC Irvine

<p>So, I was accepted into both UIUC and UCI (regents+honors) on the same day (Feb. 15). For UCI, I got in to their Information Computer Science Bren School and for UIUC, I got in to their Comp. Engineering.
I'm an International student and while I wait for Berkeley and UCLA's decisions, I want to have a better idea of the pros and cons of UIUC and UCI regarding the respective majors I mentioned.
(Disregard location and tuition and consider things like research opportunity, internships, job prospects, etc)</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>UIUC is far more respected in the engineering circles than UCI, that's all I know.</p>

<p>UIUC is a top-rated engineering program.... Irvine isn't really anywhere even close to UIUC's prestige, not to mention ranking. I don't know anything other than that but it logically follows that UIUC will give you better research opportunities, employment prospects, internships, and the like.</p>

<p>UIUC is far better choice than UCI. No doubt.</p>

<p>while I've never actually step into UCI's CS building, I've been to UIUC's new CS building and it's really cool place to study and spend your time if you're into all-nighter coding. </p>

<p>Reputation and prestige wise, UIUC beat UCI by a large margin.</p>

<p>Visit both, if at all possible. UIUC's rep is better in terms of engineering academics, but if you're not one for cornfields etc., you may be happier (and, in turn, better off) at Irvine.</p>

<p>I've been to UCI campus, it's a nice place. However, consider engineering, I would choose UIUC no question. If it's UIUC and Michigan or Purdue or Berkeley, then it's kinda hard to choose. But I would say UIUC for this one.</p>

If it's UIUC and Michigan or Purdue or Berkeley, then it's kinda hard to choose.


<p>Berkeley is ranked 2nd (tied with Stanford) for its Engineering programs. There is no doubt that Berkeley is better that Purdue.</p>

<p>Sigh. Anything ranked in the first tier is roughly equivalent, give or take personal fit.</p>

<p>Don't use rankings as gospel. It's just an algorithm, folks.</p>

<p>If you feel like you're going to be a lot happier at Purdue, you're going to get a fabulous education, fabulous opportunities, and you'll have a degree from a fabulously well-known school. Your happiness beats out ten rank points, any day, particularly for undergrad.</p>

<p>i've been to berkeley too. great place, great engineering program but i wouldn't blindly choose it without considering other schools.</p>

Your happiness beats out ten rank points, any day, particularly for undergrad.


<p>You didn't say anything about happiness;but, if you meant to say it, then you are right. And to add to your statement, I think that happiness is more important than any ranking. If you believe that you are happier at a community college than some top ranked university, by all means, go there.</p>

Anything ranked in the first tier is roughly equivalent, give or take personal fit.


<p>now the question is: is purdue in the first tier?</p>

now the question is: is purdue in the first tier?


<p>Yes. It's consistently ranked <em>high</em>, like, top ten, or top twenty. Exactly where it falls isn't really all that crucial, but it's consistently high. I know several Purdue grads and they're excellent engineers. I would put a lot of stock in their programs.</p>


<p>You say that you are an International Student. If you are Asian, you may prefer UC Irvine to Illinois. There are vibrant Asian enclaves in Orange County where Irvine is located, so ethnic churches, restaurants, markets, etc. would be nearby. A large percentage of the Irvine students are Asian as well.</p>

<p>As a matter of fact, I'm Asian (appearance)...
but I'm more Brazilian inside than anything else lol</p>

<p>How about climate? UCI(nice/warm/sunny), UUIC(cold)</p>

<p>It honestly matters how much the money is worth to you. If it isnt a big factor then UIUC will probably do you better in the long run. However, if money is at all an issue than UCI is great school and worth considering, especially since grad school is a good idea anyways and both will get you there. </p>

<p>I actually attended UCR on a regents-scholarship for one year. It was a great place and had I not milked the place dry and approached graduation during my 2nd year, I wouldnt have transferred. But thats a different story. </p>

<p>Now, I am not telling you to take UCI, but rather to weight your interests and goals, and probably even visit both campus.</p>



<p>I might add, UC Berkeley and UCLA have large Asian student populations as well. But honestly, for computer-science, there is no comparison between UCI and UIUC : UIUC has that extra U thrown in! To even consider UCI when you got into UIUC is well, a logic error… :slight_smile: Just kidding – </p>

<p>seriously, at the time I attended UCI (10 years ago), the undergrad ICS/program got very little respect among local employers (and even the students.) Rampant academic cheating (worst among the undegrad majors.) Some of the students there entered ICS because, well, they download a ‘no-CD patch’ for some IBMPC games, and though “wow, I’m a computer-science major now!” Now I wish I were kidding on this, but I’m not…</p>

<p>I see you have chosen UCLA – I hope you enjoy your studies there!</p>