<p>Hi, I'm from California and I recently been admitted to UIUC's college of business and plan on doing accounting and UCSB's economics and accounting.
Right now for purellly academics, I am heavily considering UIUC because
1) Overall great business and one of the top accounting programs in the nation
2) Prestige</p>
<p>The only concerns I have is cost and competition.
How competitive is UIUC's spot for accounting and do people graduate on time?</p>
<p>Cost: Since I'm out of state, it'll mean an extra 15k per year. Do you guys think UIUC's program is worth the extra cost over UCSB?</p>
<p>I would personally say UIUC’s business program is better than UCSB’s.
To be honest, UCSB is not a prestigious school in California.
Compared to USC Marshall, Berkeley Haas, Stanford, and UCI Merage, UCSB is definitely out of the competition.
On the other hand, UIUC’s business program is one of the best in the nation.</p>
<p>However, here is a turnover.
If you are planning on living in California, I would really recommend you to attend UCSB.
One sentence short, everyone in California knows what UCSB is.
Tuition is way cheaper, California has great weather,UCSB is beautiful campus, the campus is in good location, and etc.</p>
<p>There should be no reason to go to UIUC and spend extra $45,000. (I mean seriously.)</p>
<p>Studying in UCSB will get you a great job as you study in UIUC.
Most importantly, you will love the atmosphere of Santa Barbara, and you will save extra $50,000.</p>