
<p>My name is Ankit. I have applied for a BS in Comp. Science. </p>

<p>I have been accepted both at U of I and USC. I know that UI ranks 4 in engineering and the same in Computer Science. </p>

<p>However, USC's overall rank (30) is better than UI's (42). Also, USC being a private univ. has a lower student:faculty ratio. Also, in IL, there will be more of party students (which I am not) since it is a very large univ.</p>

<p>Also, after BS in Comp. Science, I am planning to do MBA from a univ. like Harvard, Stanford, etc.</p>

<p>So could u give me some advice bout' which univ. to select.</p>

<p>If you are sure of staying in engineering, uiuc is better. If you decide to change amjors, then you might like usc better.</p>

<p>Yeah I'd say UIUC is probably better for undergrad engineering (esp. Comp sci)... and I don't think you should worry too much about the party students situation because most of the people going for engineering are probably serious about their work... especially the internationals as the cost is steep and not many people would spend such money unless they were serious.</p>

<p>Private schools rank higher due to their smaller student/faculty ratio and other factors that favor them. If you look at the peer assessment, which is the reputation score, you'll see that UIUC is top 30 while USC is top 35. Also UIUC has a much stronger CS department and is cheaper, but USC is located in a better location. USC also has a reputation for having a lot of spoiled rich lazy kids, so don't think it's less of a party environment just because it's private.</p>

<p>honestly id pick usc in an instant</p>

<p>college is about more than rankings. my philosophy is the experience is ultimatly whats most important as well as good academics.</p>

<p>sadly location plays a factor in this, and usc just has much more oppurtunities based on this factor. just keepin it real</p>

<p>Thnks for ur advice</p>

<p>go to UIUC. they have a brand new facility for CS and my sister who majored in CS was hired by Lockheed Martin and is already making about $80k a year (she won't tell me the precise amount but supposedly it's close to what my mom makes). Overall rankings don't mean that much b/c the criteria they use to rank is messed up and excludes soo many extraneous factors.</p>

<p>So where are you finally going? Let me know if you're choosing UIUC... I'm also going for Comp Sci from India.</p>

<p>I got into UIUC and USC for aerospace engineering. I know UIUC is overall better engineering, but USC is physically close to the aerospace industry and places like Edwards AFB, places id like to intern.</p>

<p>Two factors could affect my decision. I would also like a degree in aviaiton, something UIUC offers, and i can go to USC for $5280 a year including loans. I have yet to recieve my UIUC aid award, but I am out of state.</p>

<p>Also have honors at both universities</p>

<p>Honestly, while uiuc is better in engineering, if you do good at any school, you will have success getting jobs and internships regardless.</p>

<p>Thanks for all ur replies. I have made UIUC my final choice</p>