<p>I've recently been accepted to each school's respective engineering programs and I'm having difficulty deciding between the two. I am out of state for both schools, so difference in price is negligible. Which school is considered more prestigious/has better nationwide reputation for engineering? Are they both equally rigorous? Where would I have the best college experience?</p>
<p>(I'm also waiting to hear back from UMich. If accepted, I will most likely attend there, however, I'm not really expecting to get in. 1540/2230 SAT (single-sitting), 3.63 UW GPA (upward-trend, most rigorous schedule))</p>
<p>Thanks in advance!</p>
<p>All three of those schools are fantastic schools. UIUC probably has the very, very slightest edge in prestige in EE, though only just. It is essentially a wash, and you won’t really have any difference in job outlook regardless of which of those three you attend. I’d say visit them and decide which to attend based on a combination of price and how well you think you’d fit at each school. You can’t really go wrong here, only more right.</p>
<p>Depends where the OP’s from originally. UIUC is an awesome school as is UT and (cough) U of Michigan
but if you’re from the Midwest or East or West or some such, a few years in a differrent part of the country could be useful. Likewise if you’re from South / Southwest, UIUC or UMichgan could provide a lot of ‘intangibles’ as far as life experience goes.</p>
<p>Ann Arbor is the best college town there is, then Austin, in terms of living etc. Best food and sports probably Austin. Easiest to get in and out by air, probably Ann Arbor. And so on.</p>
<p>I was accepted at UT-Austin and UIUC for grad engineering, and both are excellent schools. From what I have seen, UIUC has a little more rigor in the theoretical aspects of engineering, but not by much. Really, I think the bigger influence will be the individual fit. Oh, and Michigan is an excellent school as well, if that becomes an option.</p>
<p>Visit, then decide. If you change your mind, there is always grad school!</p>
<p>Thanks for all the responses. I live in NJ btw.</p>
<p>I’m planning on visiting both schools before May 1 deadline. Hopefully I’ll hear back from Michigan soon!</p>