<p>I'm starting my last year of high school and have been looking around for colleges. Last week, I've crossed out almost all of the colleges I've shortlisted last year, and thus is stuck with only 2 choices. :\ I've been considering both UK and US colleges, maybe Canada or Aus if there are any good matches. </p>
Located in Singapore
Will be applying for Financial Aid, and most likely will need it
Interests: Chemistry, Mathematics, Psychology, Medicine.
I am very interested in Forensics, and would like it very much if I can work in that field with the degree I'm getting.</p>
Sem 2 GPA (weighted. My school does not provide unweighted GPA): 4.7
Cumulative GPA: 4.0 (weighted too)
AP Calc AB: 5
SAT I (first try): 800 CR, 700 M, 600 W
SAT II: Taking this year (maybe.)
Other APs: Taking Chem, Bio, Physics B this year
Course load: Math, Bio, Physics, Chemistry with honours
Awards: Edusave Good Progress awards in 2007 and 2010. Rio Tinto Big Science comp.2010: Distinction</p>
<p>Other activities
Extracurriculars: Art Club (2006-2009), ODAC(2010), Choir (2011)
No leadership positions
Jobs/Internships: Intern at DSO from 2nd Nov 2010 to 31st Dec 2010. Worked as a flyer distributor in Nov 2009, freelance article writer from Nov 2009 to Jan 2010.
Volunteer work: Helps out at an ex-offenders centre once a month (packing of shop's merchandise etc). Volunteered at SIMC 2010 and the National Library.</p>
<p>Characteristics of Desired College
Size: Small/Medium (Less than 8000 students)
Student:Teacher ratio: 25:1 (max)
Area: I am open to colleges/Unis in the USA/UK. Temperature must not drop below 5 degrees. Surrounding town and college must be LGBT friendly.
Others: I would prefer that the college has a strong research program.</p>
<p>Current shortlist
HKU (maybe)
University of Western Australia
Loughborough University</p>
<p>Thank you so much! (:</p>