UM Class of 2016 EA Applicants Thread

<p>LMAO ^ musicalme. If that was their way of telling us that we got in I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. Die of laughter.</p>

<p>I’ve heard that the second you sign in you get a pop up saying “you’re a cane!”</p>

<p>Make sure to print out the page because it only comes up once. Nice memory.</p>

<p>My fragile state of mind and lack of sleep cannot handle mind games haha. I wish the people who got accepted and got singer/stamps invites would post back!</p>

<p>And Mango15 I definitely will, thanks for telling me! :slight_smile: Hahahah, if that’s how they tell us, I will seriously question my motives in attending. However, I do like food…</p>

<p>I heard from someone who got in ED that it’s an immediate congratulations popup, nothing hidden.</p>

<p>Like? That’d be a deal breaker for me! I’d click confirm enrollment right away hahaha</p>

<p>And now I sound like a fatass…
Sleep deprived.</p>

<p>good luck, guys. We find out in just a few hours. :)</p>

<p>What time tonight do you think?</p>

<p>My daughter doesn’t have the dining tab either- not sure if it means anything or not. University of Maryland did that accidentally earlier this week- the link was up for a couple of hours the day before decisions came out but then they must have realized it and took it down!!</p>

<p>I have the dining link</p>

<p>It’s under the “Life at UM” tab and I’m pretty sure it’s always been there</p>

<p>When I got into Fordham, before they sent me a congrats email/letter, they had a new tab up in their portal. So perhaps the dining plan means something.</p>

<p>But then again, what do I know?</p>

<p>No one has to believe me, but here goes. </p>

<p>I emailed someone at UM about the Hammond scholarship and whether that means we are accepted. The person said no, it is separate, and if someone doesn’t get into UM the interview is retracted. </p>

<p>The person said DECISIONS WILL BE RELEASED TODAY. And the mailings are also going out today. </p>

<p>Take it or leave it, but I’m excited for tonight :)</p>

<p>I don’t have the dining tab either…</p>

<p>I now have an academic tab under student.</p>

<p>I’ve always had that tab. </p>

<p>I’ve always had all the tabs. </p>

<p>Excited :)</p>

<p>Okay, I had to be obnoxious and call. In my defense, that was the first call I’ve made myself! hahaha. I asked if the decisions would be released online today and the guy who answered the phone said that they would not and that they haven’t even been mailed yet. </p>

<p>I really really really wish there was some consistency!</p>

<p>CPU, I hope you’re right!</p>

<p>I’m rushing home to get my mail. If they really sent it out Thursday I will definitely get it today. Either way I hope it goes online tonight</p>

<p>Waah nope nothing in the mail :(</p>

<p>I just called admissions and spoke to a lady. She said decisions have not been mailed out and wouldn’t be until a “week or so”. Same for online—a week or so also. I asked if there was a specific date that they were trying for and she said no…just a week or so.</p>

<p>We live 40 minutes from campus. Nothing in today’s mail!!</p>

<p>I honestly think that they are just saying they won’t be released today so everyone stops calling. Calling them won’t help at all because obviously they aren’t all saying the same thing. Simply just stop calling and asking because it only slows them down.</p>