UM Class of 2016 EA Applicants Thread

<p>SeekingUni is right. You’re much better off going out and doing something to get your mind off it, or even just watching a movie or playing a game or just doing something other than vent about it. I found that I got in this vicious cycle of complaining and then that would fuel my irritation and I’d just get angrier about it and when I started doing other things I was much better off.</p>

<p>look, again, I know you mean well, and I’ve been following this board for quite some time. But the truth is we don’t need someone who was just as anxious as we were about the decision 6 hours ago to tell us to chill out. My parents could do that. The only insight you have that we don’t is from the perspective of someone who already got in. Thats a great perspective but the only way that it will be of any use to me is if I get in in the first place, which is what I’m waiting to find out. And Miami is one of the latest schools to release the dates (its annoying but it gives them time to review each one specifically) and it has less applicants than other schools with less turnaround time (again, Its annoying, but I can live with it). The one part that ticks me off is releasing some of them on a friday, letting it stew over the weekend, and releasing the rest later. Thats poor management.</p>

<p>I’m not trying to tell you to chill out, I’m just trying to present some reasons why decisions may not have come out and ways to not stress over it! It could have easily been a technical difficulty. Like I said, yes, they are one of the latest, but they’re one of the only ones with all three admissions options. That’s why the dates are so much later. I guess it’s too much of a thing for me to always try to help people out and give advice, but I was really just trying to help and honestly, if you are offended by it, you may be reading too much into it.</p>

<p>also I don’t want to be doing this on a friday night… but it is a huge decision that will decide where I go for the next 4 years, so pardon me if I would rather know than watch tv or play some music. I’ve been doing that the past 3 months, just telling me to wait seems pretty hypocritical from someone who supposedly just was in my position. You should remember how it feels, only you didn’t have to watch everyone else go first</p>

<p>I do remember how it feels, and I was watching people receive scholarship invitations to scholarships that I was praying for. I freaked out. I’m not trying to be hypocrtical, and I don’t think I am. Last night I wasn’t refreshing the UM page, nor was I this afternoon. I specifically made plans with people so I wouldn’t be. I took my own advice, so I’m not being a hypocrite. And it was a huge decision for me too, this was by far my #1 choice and I actually CRIED when I got in. So please don’t try to downgrade what this was like for me.</p>

<p>im just angry at you because miami, in my opinion, really screwed this up. I don’t mean to vent so hard, I don’t have any hard feelings towards you. I just really think they were vague and left some kids hanging.</p>

<p>I’m in the same situation as you, Oriolefan44. I don’t think the other posters realize that they would be doing the same thing right now if they were in our situation. It’s really starting to get frustrating.</p>

<p>Please, seriously, I WAS doing the same thing until I realized that and did what I was trying to give advice about doing. I’m sorry, I’ll stop, I’ll leave. I get that it’s “not my place” and everything so I’ll just stop posting so I can stop getting attacked.</p>


Okay. It’s poor management. What do you want? Your time back? App fee refund? You’re working on their terms and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. It’s as simple as that.</p>


I don’t deny that it’s a big decision, I think we all know that, but:

  1. I don’t think knowing now or in two/three days from now will make much of a difference in your future or your decision-making process. I may be wrong, but to the average human, it won’t make a difference. At all.
  2. I was in your position but the desperation here is almost unhealthy. Last night I was working while people were in this thread crying about why decisions weren’t up instantly on the 1st as they “were promised” (which they weren’t, because there was never a specific date published). It’s a little extreme and for those of us who have waited patiently, it’s unnerving to see everybody flipping out and feeling entitled to something, when in fact, you’re entitled to nothing in terms of UM/acceptance/decision-date/etc.</p>

<p>Nonetheless, congrats to everyone that got in! For the rest of you all that still don’t know, I’m with you and know how aggravating it is. It doesn’t help that I’m the most impatient person ever. I have a school dance tomorrow and was hoping I would have this out of the way but maybe it’ll get my mind off it. There’s nothing to say to help though, it just sucks right now. Hah hopefully it’ll be worth the extra wait!</p>

<p>Seekinguni why’re you telling us to go out on a friday night when you are sitting home posting yourself? who are you anyway ?</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone that got in! I know exactly how the wait feels! I went through something similar with my ED school, Northwestern. However, I did get in and obviously I plan to enroll there this upcoming fall. </p>

<p>Miami was one of my top choices as well! :)</p>

<p>I was worried earlier because My/UM page was blank. One of the posters was correct, I had duplicate Cane IDs. Go on as if you are new to creating your Cane ID and see what happens. Choose your new password. It worked for me. I was in with a 24k scholarship! I was freaking out before.</p>

<p>Hey! I got accepted!! So happy but kinda shocked considering my low SATs. I’ll post my stats on the other board!</p>

<p>I got accepted with an 11,000 dollar scholarship :)</p>

<p>Still nothing on MyUM for me… T_T</p>

<p>I got accepted too. (:
And congrats sophiesrsly for getting in. Unfortunately for me I have not received any scholarships from them. My number one school and no financial aid at all. ): Btw, how do you find out which scholarship you receive from UM?</p>

<p>Scholarships are in the second paragraph. </p>

<p>Financial aid packages are not going to be available until march.</p>

<p>I’m assuming a technical issue. I’ve got nothing on myUM. I’m happy for everyone who’s been accepted and for their scholarships, but its not fair that some should find out by a certain time while others are kept in the dark.</p>

<p>I GOT IN TOO! with a trustees scholarship!! so excited!</p>